
List the top books you consider fundamental to your software engineering knowledge and abilities. A book that really made you improve. Anything, up to you. The point is that without it you would be worse off.
Any topic. Systems design, DSA, security, architecture, doesn’t matter.

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    Before the search engines, there was this:


    it's an MS-DOS TSR program and while you're coding and need help, just press a key-combination and it will appear on your screen. Yeah, it's not a book, but it's the most helpful one than any book.
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    It started as a blog but later I think he published it as a book, great resource for graphics with OpenGL


    I also learned a lot from "game engine architecture". When I started learning C++ I found "effective C++" very helpful.
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    PHP5 - Peter Kassenaar. It's how I learned to do sql injections
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    @Witaya07 I will not permit u to share
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    The Dragon Book, obviously ;>

    Also the Linux kernel coding style guide, which is not a book, but a very good read nonetheless. I recommend it.
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    The Phoenix Project
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    No book should be considered fundamental. Just use your mind. Read some parts of any book that interest you.
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