56 repositories

14 stars

keynote speaker

once again your daily reminder that software is no exception: it's about how you appear and talk, not the actual work you get done or competance

this is why i'm not worried by technology or aRtiFiciAl InTeLLiGenCE taking over - there is so much bullshit politics and idiot "emotional" choices that in fact rule the career / industrial environment, not actual consideration of improving workflows or efficiency

  • 8
    Quick to judge, are we?

    I may have 0 repositories and 0 stars, but if I excell at what I do at work and I've seen and experienced enough shit to think you could benefit from my experience, I see no reason why should I worry about my stars in GH.

    Ffs, I'm a devops/perf engg. Wtf should I create my repos about?!?
  • 6
    Not all code is public (sadly?)
  • 6
    @netikras i HaVe mOrE fOlLoWeRs ThEn yOu ThErEfOrE i Am BeTtEr
  • 1
    There seems to a marked uptick in the amount of self-praise on here over the last few days. I suppose when you aren't hearing of any kudos existing outside your own cranium, some might feel a need to fill the silence? @aviophile, @Fast-Nop
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    Maybe some ansible/kube config?
    Tensorflow or w/e.

    Git isnt just for code imo.

    Just dont leak your secrets 🤡
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