I wanted to look up linus torvalds but didnt remember his name

  • 3
    I use Firefox focus and duckduckgo for mobile browsing :)
  • 0
    @hausen DuckDuckGo has the features ecosia.org donates. Can't they fuse? Pls.
  • 4
    @Jop- stopped reading your comments at the point where you think privacy is a marketing strategy
  • 0
    @bcye DuckDuckGo donates too. Read their blog/timeline. It's interesting
  • 0
    @Jop- for me it has better results than google and if you dont use it for privacy use it for the bangs and settings.
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    How could you forget? His name is right there!

    That one Linus guy!
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE uuh? Lol.
  • 0
    Side note, i really like ddg's location slider (the hungary one) because its a lot easier to search for my university's sites
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