
How to fail my interview 101:
1. Change your GitHub status to "I love learning new things every day"
2. Start by showing off your code katas
3. "React is the best way to do frontend"
4. "Unit tests are necessary"
5. "TypeScript is better than JavaScript"
6. "I don't have to learn CSS, I use Tailwind"

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    @aviophille Basically all of the arguments are valid thou! They indicate that the candidate can't do coding on a deeper level than just copy paste. While being, at the same time, very opinionated about tech.
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    @kiki Ugha me want dem center tag back because me no understand CSS box. Oohhh me find dumbass CSS framework, now can make caveman HTML like 1998.
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    Local reasoning is for pussies
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    How do you know anything about anything that you didn't personally write, including everything it references, if you have neither type checking nor unit tests? Basically the only behaviour you can assert is what you or a user tried.
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    @aviophille Box sharp corners, not like nice cave. Me afraid. Me vomit center class in markup. CSS frameworks much good for caveman.
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    @aviophille Oh yes yes !important much important. Use often with CSS frameworks. Make btn-green in blue so that no change all markup.
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    @aviophille "I genuinely think" - hahaha, laughing at that one already! :)
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    The refreshing feeling I get when I don't know any of those shit technology except (unfortunately, I must say) Typescript.
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    @kiki So in all that text, you were able to locate only css as a technology?
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    @aviophille LMAO, projecting so much. Did I hit a nerve?
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    I don't have to learn CSS, I do backend.
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    anything is better than javascript
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    You are just getting overidiotic just like last time. Go take your meds already.
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    .btn-action.btn-action.btn-action {
    /* ^ only way to override .btn-action.submit in legacy */
    /* also who needs line comments */
    color: blue;

    It's a shit system, every part of it is shit, and every alternative is an improvement. The only question is which alternative is the best, really.
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    @lorentz Semantic markup to the rescue. Why is it that you even need stuff to look different, breaking consistency? Likely because the thing you are restyling is actually different from the others. Then give it a different classname.

    Just like you give different functions different names if they do different things instead of naming them the same and abusing some weird overloading scheme.
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    @Fast-Nop They aren't exclusive and they can't reference each other so I really wouldn't compare them to functions, more like Ruby's classes except they don't interact in any way other than reopening.
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    @lorentz Yeah, but the point stands: use different classes for different things. Or have properties that are common between different classes in a common selector, then factor out the different aspects into their own selectors. The C in CSS, after all.
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    @aviophille What an hell for you, it's like being allergic to nuts and being a nut yourself
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