
When you have to go but the problem you couldn't solve before haunts you and you can't stop thinking about it but you also won't find a solution because you can't and won't concentrate on the problem enough so it just keeps buging you out as you live your life. Yeah feels great.

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    You need to train this Kind of things if you want to be healthy. I was just like you, but now as soon i leave work, i completly turn Off my brain when it comes to work stuff. Just remind yourself you dont get paid for That so try to Focus on other more important stuff in your Life. XD
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    @Nino9612 the problem is that i can't have this "i clocked out so i don't care anymore" feeling because im both in uni and self employed, so everything is my own problem. But I try to do that as good as possible. Thanks for the advice!
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    @jobylie good luck with it
  • 2
    I always feel that way too.
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    @dfox glad to hear I'm not the only one!
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