
The worst thing a medic can say to a programmer is: "you need to stop drinking coffee". Happened to me :(

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    For what reasons if one may ask?
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    Wow that sucks so hard. My medic told me after pulling my white teeth out that I'm not allowed to drink coffee for a week.

    I started drinking coffee on the third day
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    @pmike @tecivan I may have gastritis
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    @b3b3 i would do the same haha
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    @Mrtins tea is not coffee, but still a good alternative. Maybe you'll turn into a hipster dev (tea drinking dev). I usually take one can of tea (black mostly) with me to school and it SERIOUSLY helps me to concentrate
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    @b3b3 I like tea, so I'll probably do that. Thanks for the advice
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    Good luck! Be careful with tea, check which teas you can drink
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    @pmike will do, thanks
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    I am pretty sure "we ha to cut all your fingers" tops it or "you are going blind on both eyes"
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    Just answer, that you are sure he can get you pathched up.
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