
Recreated minesweeper... Sort of

Some how Medium is still extremely hard.

Seems just using a random number generator for Mine placement doesn't make good games...

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    High chaos perlin noise?
    (Think cloud generator)
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    @Ashkin not sure what you mean. Is that a randomization algo?
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    @billgates I think it looks quite like the minesweeper distribution.

    But something is of in the calculation as some squares not close to amine gets a value above 0.

    The number should only reflect mines in the surrounding 8 squares.
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    @billgates Yes.

    Perlin noise generates pseudorandom values in a pattern that looks very much like clouds (as in smooth transitions).

    Higher chaos / shrinking its output would give you clusters and maybe tendrils. (It's been awhile.)

    This or similar generators would be a good replacement for the flat random function for minesweeper.

    Some Minecraft clones have used Perlin noise for surface terrain generation to pretty good effect.
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    I dont think randomly creating a board actually makes sense. Have you ever successfully finished a game? Imo there are more configurations that are not solvable than others.
    I think at some point Microsoft creates the Board dynamically (you cant loose with the first click)
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    @scholl3ss how does dynamically help? Just this the first one isn't a mine?
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    What is this monitor?
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    @billgates it's hard to say actually. In fact it is nearly impossible (np complete) to tell if a configuration is solvable (without guessing).
    My best bet'd be they are using some kind of heuristics.
    At least I feel like the solvable game to all games ratio is quite high.
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    @scholl3ss as @Ashkin says and looking at the configurations in other versions, seems like it's not purely random
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    Actually you may be right. It have to do with the way I play.

    Because the game usually ends when I hit a mine, I only continue when I hit enough empty spots to meme it semi solvable.

    Problem with my POC is i can continue no matter what so I guess i don't play on my ideal board most of the time.
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    I've lost on the first click before 😅

    The only requirement is any empty spaces completely surrounded by mines (or walls) must be >n in size
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    @ashkin oh really? I didnt know that.. And my roommate is a minesweeper addict 😅
    How do you define n?
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    @scholl3ss trial and error, or by preventing it altogether.

    Since mines can be clustered, any unknown tiles inside give a 50/50 chance of losing the game, which is just frustrating.

    Also: losing on the first click was probably removed in more recent versions -- I haven't played it since Windows XP!
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    That's not right. Typically you can Define your grid and the number of mines.
    I think the recent minesweeper versions will not do that.
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    @Ashkin Actually it seems what I really missed was just the functionality. Once I added the auto-click Empty cell groups function... It feels a much better...
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