
The webdevs from another team upgraded jquery from 1 to 3 and wondered why the interactions aren't working anymore.
Why tf do you call yourself a developer when you can't fix deprecated stuff. Simply by using plugins and copy paste shit.

And fuck me, i'm fixing their shit now

  • 7
    Question, why are you fixing their shit? They broke it, they fix it.

    You have other things to do.
  • 5
    You guys upgraded JQuery? It's freaking obsolete
  • 3
    @retoor there are still use cases and frameworks that come with jQuery. If you need to do any DOM traversal it's a lot clearer in jQuery than native JS.
  • 7

    My manager called me to help them, because the higher ups from the other team asked for some help.They have been trying since december last year and the engineers on site need to use the buggy application for monitoring.

    Anyway, it's fixed already in 1.5 hour. I zipped the code and send it, because they do not use git.

    Fucking noobs, the company has git available for everyone
  • 7
    @d00td00t wait, you need to zip it to them??? What the fuck is that team doing? They should get their shit together.
  • 3
    @retoor today I learnt it's still very active and at v4!!

    They finally stopped supporting IE10😅


    I dont know what you would use it for in todays world besides some legacy site that hasn't had any support for years, but here we are!
  • 2
    > I zipped the code and send it, because they do not use git.

    Holy crap! 😂
  • 2
    @retoor if your entire front end uses it, you’d be in for less time and money if you just upgrade and fix the incompatibilities rather than re-write your whole front end.

    Also, .removeClass and .toggleClass are kind of nice
  • 1
    @C0D4 I have sites and clients at work that specifically ask for it. They don’t see the value of going with modern “fad” that doesn’t offer anything they can’t do with jQuery.

    So I’m happy there’s at least something to be excited about.

    They also scoffed and laughed at HTMX for the same reasons.

    Happier devs & faster delivery isn’t a metric they value.

    They’re only consuming & deploying the apps.
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    Wait, they upgraded a library and cannot figure out how to solve the problem? How did they get in the door? Is figuring out issues really that rare?
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    And people wonder why I want to leave this field
  • 0
    jQuery has long outlived its usefulness. Back in the old IE days, papering over all the browser incompatibilities, that was very useful.

    Today, it's only when you have legacy jQuery plugins and you don't have the time to go via https://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ and throw it out for good.

    Any dev who willingly uses it for new development should simply be fired before wreaking even more havoc.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop and yet, it's on over 70% of all websites: https://w3techs.com/technologies/....
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    @fullstackcircus What exactly about "Today, it's only when you have legacy jQuery plugins and you don't have the time" was unclear?
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    @Fast-Nop but you said jquery has long outlived its usefulness
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    @fullstackcircus It has. You don't need it anymore on technical grounds. How about you read my posting above in its entirety and understand it?
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    Looked around the web to other devs opinions on jquery. It sounds like it still solves some complexity issues of javascript itself. As well as the DOM. I read there are bugs in browsers that it works around even today. So I don't think it is going away any time soon. The attitude of the devs using it is that still provides tremendous value. I get a sense of devs frustrated with complex solutions and want to simplify. Which is what jquery does.


    My own thoughts are that it could reduce the js footprint for a site if there is a lot of js involved. I always enjoyed working with it in the past. Because stuff just worked. My only issue that I see is that it is another layer and thus reduce speed of sites.

    So my prediction. At least another 10 years of jquery.
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    Also, another note. This may depress some people.

    Wordpress will NEVER die.

    I did read that Wordpress may work to phase out jquery, but it is not happening any time soon.
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    @Demolishun I actually did rewrite a jQuery based plugin to vanilla JS. Not only did it reduce the page load, I also changed the crappy jQuery animations for CSS ones triggered by JS. Much smoother especially on hi-res displays.

    Devs claiming that jQuery today provides them with much value, apart ofc from just lacking the time to do such a rewrite or find an alternative solution for jQuery plugins that are already there, are devs who refuse to learn JS.

    These are the ones that don't provide value to the company and hence should be fired because they are a liability, not an asset.
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    @Demolishun I’m new to coding. Based on what you said, do you think I should prioritize learning jQuery?
  • 1
    @fumey jquery is built on javascript. Learn javascript.
  • 2
    @Demolishun it will slowly die off though, there are a million different JavaScript frameworks that probably package it along the way.

    Personally for load times I don't really look at that unless absolutely necessary. I would rather have readable and maintainable code than a bunch of gibberish in Vanilla JS doing the exact same work.
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