
Looking for linux distro / desktop recommendations...

I'm bored of my setup and want to try something new. I'm currently running elementary os with pantheon desktop but the fact that wingpanel can't auto hide drives me insane. I've also used Mint+cinnamon and ubuntu+unity in the past.

I'm currently considering Antergos as a distro because I don't have time to install Arch but I have no clue which desktop env to try - Gnome,kde,mate,xfce...

Any suggestions?

  • 3
    xfce can do what any other env can't. Probably including whats bothering you right now. 😜
  • 2
    Arch or Arch-based with i3 (or any other tiling window manager)
    You'll have plenty of fun!
  • 1
    Fedora and gnome is what I use. I love it , give it a try...
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    I will always say try archmerge. simple install and can switch from xfce, to openbox then i3 as you learn. check his videos https://youtu.be/k16BF9FQAkY .
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    Solus + Gnome
    You will not regret!
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    @Jilano yay 😊 best combo ever
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    Manjaro? Has 3 editions and I'm using xfce and very happy with it. Literally everything works out of the box. Not very bloated. Not very minimal. And nice UI.
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