
dev vision test

  • 29
    He forgot to mention the color, model and profile of the printer.
  • 13
    I wish I could do that! It impossible before me to determine fonts
  • 9
    @stevemk14ebr why does anyone need this (except specialist for courts)
  • 6
    That's more of a test for a writer. Writers can guess any font you place in front of them :)
  • 3
    Whatthefont (wtf) works well to identify based on image of the fonts if you're not sure and can't check dev tools or source.
  • 4
    Isn't it supposed to be 170pt?
  • 1
    Wow, he's the new superman!!
  • 4
    @stop I'm a font snob. I'm the kind of person who would seriously consider spending 200€ on a font for personal use, then get drunk and lose all the money and get back to dreaming again.

    I notice subtle differences in fonts because I've had just about enough troubles with them in the past.
  • 4
    @Gogeta70 it might be German. pkt for Punkt, which is pt/point in english.
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge what's that book? Got any good tips on how to study about typography?
  • 0
    I'd recognize Raleway any day. And I just found this font named Rubik, which is so damn sexy
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