
Finally, I'm opening my mind to Javascript and I'm beginning to learn Node.js.

It seems really great... I think I will try using Express right now.
But then, I would like to try a front-end Javascript framework and I hesitate between Vue.js and Angular...

  • 2
    Since you are starting with node.js, beware of NPM. Only install them when you have good internet connectivity and enough disk memory.
    Till then, happy coding..
  • 6
    Definitely Vue or React. Vue does have the lowest learning curve, I'd say, but both are awesome!
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    I've only tried React so far and it seems pretty good and rather fast, you just need to get used to a component-based way of thinking 😅😅 (I say this coming from a Rails and jQuery background in web dev at least)
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    Vue, if you like simple and clean approach.
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    @chilledfrogs React has a very bad License, it's not compatible avec my project :/
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    @Orionss The React License got changed, it should be MIT now.
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    @khalildh I heard that it was re established but I will take a look :)
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    @Orionss definitely MIT right now.
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    @khalildh Oooooh interesting then
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    IMHO React over all
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    @khalildh @Orionss Yep, that's fixed as well
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    Probably best to learn fundamentals before learning frameworks
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    @Hedgepig forgot to say that I know Javascript, just never wanted to use it for an actual project
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    @Orionss ah fair enough, crack on then. Do you know modern ES6 and ES7 stuff?
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    @Hedgepig some part but I think I will take a course on udemy that makes both nodejs and es6. Is it a good way to go in your opinion? (The course are 10 bucks until tomorrow so...)
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    I don't know for sure but learning on your own is pretty tough going.

    Saying that some well chosen terms (like "es6 best practices") will get you on the right track.

    Async and await are a godsend for asynchronous programming. Just learn promises and generators before you use them
  • 4
    @Orionss I'm using Udemy right now to learn ES6, and React. Udemy is amazing.
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