

Because of its absolutely useless complexity...
a total simple thing: i have a string and want to concat a integer with it, so:
var x = stringVar + intVar; right? NO
its var x = stringVar + String(intVar);
or getting the index of a element in a array?
var index = array.indexOf(element); thats logic, right??? Not for swift, gotta go with: var index = array.index(of: element); WTF??!!
And all the other shit: nil instead of null, int++? Nope.
And there are SO MANY MORE things, where u just think, Apple really though different........than all normal coding languages.......

I´ll honestly rather learn C and recode Ios or have a look at objective-c...

  • 7
    So Swift sucks cause it's not JavaScript?
  • 1
    @spongessuck gimme one FUCKING language that makes it so complicated like swift and i forgot to mention all the this or that has been renamed to this or that.
  • 1
    @spongessuck Kotlin is a good example how to make it Right
  • 2
    @Liz3 you can always do assembly on iOS
  • 1
  • 0
    @Liz3 assembly I would say
  • 0
    @Liz3 Except arrays, fuck Kotlin arrays
  • 0
    @Liz3 how about objective c?
  • 1
    I don't use Python, but I know you have to use string(non-string) too (and it's the most used language).
    Btw Kotlin ftw
  • 0
    I think the first example is not good. Sometimes strange things happen if you concatenate different types. So to ensure you have the same data types is good IMO.
  • 0
    Search "Coercion Javascript" and you will understand some things about data types.

    But yeah. Swift really sucks.
  • 0

    low quality b8 champion 2020.
  • 1
    I signed up just to post this comment.

    Attached is a snippet from an iOS development course I'm doing. null safe my a$$; it like someone ejaculated exclamation marks all over my code.
  • 0
    @socialguy this code is full of assumptions. Swift is supposed to allow you to make it both safe and elegant but it looks like the author failed at both.
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