
Hey. Can you add excel97 vba capabilities to new office 365 ? I have a 20years old xls file with very complicated macros that i need to run.
And btw, how come a software looses capabilities over time.

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    If you've found a 20 year old xls file with complicated macros that is genuinely useful and doesn't cause more problems than it solves, I'll give you a biscuit.
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    I thought Microsoft supported stuff like that.
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    @donkulator whatever it do, current software/programming language can do it better, with less lines of code. VBA should be dead since long ago.
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    @donkulator my client still use it as everyday basis along with the 20 energy engineers they work with. They use windows2000 virtual machine to still make it run and export plots and graphs. They wanna get rid of it and hired me to recode it. But if i cant open it to reverse engineer it i can’t do much of the job.
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    @daniel-wu i agree, but the scope of work « is that xls workbook ». So what can i do?
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    @devapsarl I would see if they can get you a copy of the vm to work with.
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    Load windows xp or something in a VM to run it, similar to how they do.
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    I thought you were making fun of someone asking this question, not asking it yourself.

    In general, software ages because new technology that either works better or does more things replaces it and it’s too costly to support the old stuff.

    You cannot run a business off an excel spreadsheet with macros written two decades ago and this is proof of why. Tell them to spend money on a rewrite or to kick rocks.
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