
Does anyone else ever feel like they're too stupid to be a good programmer? Like some of the people here are very very intelligent. Meanwhile, I'm over here making a fucking 8% on a calculus exam. I just feel like I'm way too stupid to actually be good at this.

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    You can be the smartest guy and know all the calculus but if you write horrible spaghetti code nobody will want to work with you. If you are mediocre but write neat, organized code with many tests everybody will want to work with you.
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    Imposter syndrome. Know that feels.
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    @jsframework9000 It's not just the math class lol. Idk I just feel really really stupid sometimes. 🤷🤷
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    To understand calculus at uni I spent 5 hours a day staring at the problems. Anyone can do reasonably well if they don't hang themselves first.
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    @jhh2450 Here's an easy way to realise if you're actually stupid: Did you practice/study (and by study I mean really focus) a lot and still don't understand anything? Then, sorry, you are stupid. If you took one glance at a subject you have never seen before and found it difficult you are normal.
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    Well I suck at maths too. I barely passed calculus 2 years ago. I got 49.7 which was rounded off to 50 thanks to the university portal.

    On the other hand I am a game developer so I know the importance of maths but it is still way down in my learning list.
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    Sounds like you have all the qualities required to work for Microsoft 😀
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    @jsframework9000 I'll glance and study for like 30 minutes but it doesn't stick with, no matter how hard I try. (I have studied for hours and still barely understand it.)

    I honestly think I could have ADHD (not trying to sound like a hypochondriac who visited WebMD lol), due to lack of focus for literally everything. I can't focus for anything anymore. Movies, TV, long conversations, sure as fuck not class, and I even get distracted working on websites for fun. But ofc I'll be considered a liar just trying to get Adderall to study. Off to the streets to buy it illegally I guess.
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    @gary I don't suck at it, Im just struggling to make it stick at this point.

    I was able to take college algebra and trigonometry online as a student in highschool. I passed both with a high B. But now that I'm in a traditional classroom, nothing sticks. Back to taking it online, I guess.
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    Brother! Is that you???
    I feel exactly the same!

    I've been failing uni for years!!
    At work I feel like my code is not worthy to be committed to the codebase!!
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    @Nivlagx In classes I enjoy, I thrive. Made about a 95% or so in my IT class. It's work I enjoy to do.

    Could just be my morale is low from exam week lol. But next semester will be better in terms of my grades.
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    Lol. I always feel stupid looking at other people's work. Makes me realise I still have much to learn.
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    Maybe you could move into management?
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    We all have our strengths and weaknesses for example I know developer who could set up a full website designed and all in a week and a half.

    But man I can debug some JavaScript code like it was my job which it is...

    I say all that to say you want to be on a team where you can do what you're good at and not have to worry about what you're bad at.
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    We all have that feeling. Including a lot of the most intimidatingly good devs I know.
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    @spacem lol no. I'm still going to be a programmer.

    @jamesharrington Yea that's true. I guess I'm just in shock tbh. I went from really good grades in math to the worst I've ever done in school. College !== High school, that's for sure lol
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    I feel the same man... m not remotely even a decent programmer... and m not sure how to step my game up...

    I wanna b a systems programmer and I like using low level languages... but I don’t really find competitive programming and stuff like that fun... it feels creepy to me...

    meanwhile a friend of mine is great at it... I know he’ll b a great programmer and I m happy for him...
    But me.... I don’t know... 😞
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    Look into project management
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