
Was hella drunked yesterday. Guy at work brought me to some place called beer garden. Tf do u order in a beer garden. Whack. They drank 2 huge beers and so did i. Its like 1 or 2 liters no idea. My vision was delayed and blurry. My head hurts now too. They good ppl but i hate alcoholics and average people with no ambition other than to go out talk unimportant stories which wont buy me bread and drink alcohol. Im a fucking businessman. I want to talk about ideas and creating businesses especially tech startups or saas. Im a fucking God. I deserve to be surrounded by highly ambitious millionaires like myself who dont drink or talk shit, but talk only money talk. I can do moneytalk all night long. Any improvements on what can get me bread is ALWAYS highly more valuable topic than shittalking non bread topics. I hate this and i feel bad for these good people to watch them slave their life away not trying to be rich like me they're content with being average and it disgusts me because when ur average ur just 1 slip away from becoming poor or homeless. I'd rather steal millions and rot in jail for the rest of my life than work for matrix as a slave to eat crumbs for the rest of my life...

  • 5
    "Im a fucking businessman" - no, you're not. you're a freak obsessed with his own craps.

    "Im a fucking God" - no, you're not. you're a delusional lunatic who needs professional help.
  • 1
    @tosensei I pity his blonde gf. She has to go through all his stinky shits and harmful farts everyday. I wonder if he even has a gf or just an imaginary one.
  • 2
    > two large beers
    > "They are alcoholics"

    Waw you're a lightweight... They are not alcoholics Just because they drink a couple of beers. I can handle good 3-4 litres before Im even drunk, and used to handle a lot more when younger. That's 8 big 0.5l beers are 4 of the monstrous 1l... And I know people who can handle a lot more than me and they wont even flinch.

    Also you're dumb if you think alcohol doesn't have It's place in business. Some of the best business is done over alcohol because people are much more open and relaxed. You don't want then drunk, just relaxed...

    Also stop acting like you're better than others, you will end up alone and bitter. It's a story as long as humanity. You're not a god, you're just some guy...
  • 2
    @Deres i think it's pretty well known among all (except b2plane himself) that his "hot blonde GF" is just a hallucination.
  • 1
    I don't know if you're trying to do possitive reinforcement therapy because you're depressed or what, but leave the "Im a god" shit for yourself and talk to the mirror about that, not online, it doesn't look good
  • 1
    You‘re from Serbia and get blurry drunk after 2 Maß? What are you, twink Andrew Tate?
  • 0
    @tosensei I miss my hot blonde gf warm pussy
  • 1
    @b2plane yeah, you miss it because it doesn't exist.
  • 2
    You know how to get ahead in business: make friends and influence people 🙃
  • 0
    @tosensei then find one dont be desperate to miss pussy u dont even get
  • 0
    @jeeper yes thats whst im doing rn n that's why I'm becoming the emperor
  • 1
    @b2plane you need to lie down, buddy.

    and lay off the drugs.
  • 1
    I read somewhere the Serbian word for pussy sounds like "pizza", so every time @b2plane mentions pussy I can't help wondering if there's been some misunderstanding.
  • 0
    @donkulator i ate pizza today the coworker guy ordered it for me and it was delicious it had some plant 🌿 on it
  • 2
    You sound like an obnoxious, self serving cunt to me.
  • 0
    @b2plane пица?
  • 0
    @b2plane "some plant", ok that could explain a lot
  • 2
    I feel like this comment section is a bunch of dudes already jealous of b2plane and he hasn't even got there yet. they're just upset he has motivations they can't muster

    man and I thought I get it bad when I step out of line

    I am amused. this is actually pretty inspiring
  • 0
    @b2plane Some plant on it? Tell me it's not a weed.
  • 1
    @jestdotty I like your sarcasm.
  • 0
    @Deres its not weed it was a leaf
  • 0
    TIL b2plane lives in germany
  • 1
    @jestdotty read his post again and slowly. He never said "no bread" and he went out *after work*.. I'm pretty sure mr. "I am God" ate his lunch...

    And honestly, fuck off with this crap.
  • 0
    @jestdotty Is English not your first language? You took those way out of context.

    the first one is

    "Tf do u order in a beer garden. Whack. They drank 2 huge beers and so did i." which in context means : "In beer garder you order exactly what you'd expect, beer"

    And the second one was:

    "...go out [and] talk [about] unimportant stories which wont buy me bread"

    meaning "Talking about life stuff wont make me money"... It's a common phrase "to buy bread" meaning "earning a living income"

    and the last one being "[I] Can do moneytalk all night long. Any improvements on what can get me bread is ALWAYS highly more valuable topic than shittalking non bread topics."

    meaning that b2 is not interested in chit-chat. He wants to talk about money, business, running a company, starting projects... stuff that make money, stuff that "buys bread".

    I thought you're defending him because you agree with his ego, but it seems you genuinely misunderstood parts of the convo
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