
Where I work, in our database, we use 3 to indicate true and 7 to indicate false and 0 is true but null is false

In another table, we use 'P' to indicate true and 'I' to indicate false and 'Y' is also false and null is false

And the most used table, we also use 'Y' to indicate yes and 'N' to indicate no, but null is also Yes.

We also store integers as varchar in a live table, but stays an integer in all the other tables. I hope I'm not there when the number of digits exceeds the varchar limit.

These are all live and used in production all created by my boss, the head of IT.

  • 3
  • 3
    Makes sense
  • 4
    You better make the primary keys var char and manually increment all the values with letter and number one after another like 1 a 2 b etc
  • 5
    If your head of IT make such decisions, run. Run very far, and very fast.
  • 0
    This calls for a purging on a GRANDIOSE scale.
  • 3
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mhaaaat the fuuuuuck?!!!!!???!?!!!!!????

    rm -rf the shit out of all this madness!!!!!
  • 2
    I said this in another comment, but I know an awesome priest to help you boss!
  • 0
    You should drop boss.
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