So I’m very biased against JavaScript. However, beliefs need to be challenged. If you feel like it, convince me that this language is worth using as part of the tech stack.

  • 3
    Many years ago I also thought like that. Then I needed to learn web development with javascript. I thought that I need to give js a chance. Maybe it was good. After a couple of months with js I learned how god awful this clown language is. It’s the equivalent of eating shit after many years of normal food. I started to hate js with every part of my soul.
  • 1
    @jestdotty agree. The problem is: in practice it's not used to write prototypes.
  • 2
    @Lensflare it's also a mega simple language

    I've forgotten what building complex codebases in other languages is like

    but unfortunately it seems to learn a language that isn't JavaScript deeply takes longer than it takes to learn JavaScript so I guess I'll have to wait 1-2-3 years to compare

    the problem of writing complex things in JavaScript is you forget what you wrote and then figuring that out is a pain in the ass
    but JavaScript also lets you write something in 1/10th the time as any other language
    so it's like 🤷
    I would just end up rewriting old libraries if I was pissed at not knowing the code. literally takes as much time to rewrite it as understand it
    so it feels/felt great to me because of just the speed at which you can move and do that

    to be fair I didn't have to work with JavaScript framework fads at my job. I wrote everything ground up and since I was king I got to decide not to use trash. the industry did something else in that time
  • 0
    Maybe, you know any wasm languages? If no, you've no choice. Learn and forget, someday it might be useful.
  • 3
    what do you mean "as part of the tech stack"? if you mean web, yes, you need a derivative of JavaScript. just know if you use TypeScript (yes i am a fan) it ultimately compiles to JavaScript

    i'm always boggled by people who are anti Javascript then start squirming when their platform / company / whatever needs a website

    c# / rust / go is great... FOR BACKEND WORK


    backend only devs get fucking wrecked in the face

    why don't you just use the technology, i dunno. that was designed for the fucking platform you are using

    god, rubes making life hard for themselves, you deserve your pain
  • 1
    @fullstackcircus oh and fuck the fuck of with wasm. sure, it'll work great, but show me an example when it works great for a whole website and then i'll be fully with you

    until then, as i said, use the tools web was built with, is it really that hard?
  • 0
    For interactive or animated elements in a web page, and a minimalistic use case, then it's generally the more straight-forward approach.

    People grow to hate the damn thing because they use it for complex tasks instead, which is just asking for trouble. If they were forced to then I get it, but if not, they're fucking stupid.

    Outside of the browser it serves no purpose and better alternatives abound.

    So, should you use javascript? If you have a dead simple frontend tasks, it's just fine. And if you prefer replacing it with an over-complicated source of mediocrity and embarrassment to the human intellect that transpiles to javascript, just to avoid writing it by hand, then that's also fine.

    Just pick your fucking poison already.
  • 0
    UsE wAsM
    *proceeds to generate a 3MB wasm file for a hello world page that took a week to develop* 🤡
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    y'all keep winning and mi mi mi, size, mi mi mi, buah buah, me me me me me me

    so narrow minded, see "web" and can't think straight

    wasm's not a replacement for anything. the whole fucking purpose of the thing is running shit across platforms.

    For fuck sakes, it doesn't even need a fucking browser to run.
    Stop embarrassing yourselves
  • 0
    So far I've only seen backend retards cry about a few kb js being bloated while anything they make is at least 100x that size 🤡🤡
  • 2
    @jestdotty brainfuck is also a mega simple language 🤷
  • 1
    it isn't. javascript is awful.
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