
Can ppl stop bitching out about their ides not running smoothly with 8gb+ ram? I mean 8gb ram wise is enough, unless you have 20+ browser tabs open, watching some casual porn, downloading some more porn in the background and maybe running some benchmarks just for the sake of not letting your dollars go to waste...

  • 3
    Just by reading the word porn, I get horny. Nice rant 😃
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    @error503 thank you kind sir 👌🎩
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    8GB should be enough unless the IDE's code is fucked up, and believe me, that is the case (memory leaks and such) and enough reason to rant.
    I do have 20+ tabs open in Chrome(!), running VM which use 4GB most of the time and still am able to use Eclipse or PyCharm smoothly.
    However bitching about really big IDE's running slow (Android/Visual Studio) is rather pointless.
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    @blem14 complaining about stuff is never pointless since feels good. It's just that some topics are really abused and so you're forced to rant about other people's rants 😱
  • 2
    Lately I've been keeping ~80 tabs open in one browser, ~100 in another one, and I'm populating a third :D
    They're never all open at the same time, but still, it's nothing unheard of
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    @endor I suffer from multitablitus too. 🤕
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    @Torbuntu my old laptop has 2GB RAM with windows 10 on it whenever I start it, it Force shutdowns!

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    @Torbuntu Yep! It is windows problem! So I dual booted with Ubuntu! :)
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    honestly my 16gb is not enough. I have ONLY 3 tabs open on each of my 18 browsers, but only when i have android studio AND eclipse running (btw this is all in a windows 10 vm. the installed os is ubuntu, not core of course)
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    @calmyourtities I dear say thy but a savage sir 🤙. Pls enjoy tis fine potato 🥔
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    Visual studio works fine for me!!! I don’t know any better as the vast majority of my Dev work is windows based.
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    I usually hover near 10 Gigs of RAM... OS X... somewhere in 14 browser tabs... but about a gig or 2 is also required simply because I have other applications ( mail client, WhatsApp client, etc ) opened in the background 😅
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    if( tag_has( 'porn' ) ) do++
  • 1
    I don't know why or how but I've been using Chrome for a long time and I constantly have 15+ tabs open. Has never affected system performance on either my ThinkPad x220 or my MBP
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    @vaaesh well clearly the porn component is missing 😝
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