
I was trying to learn HTML CSS so that I could become a fullstack developper yet felt so bored doing so I didn't like them at all, did anyone else go through this why learning them also? Think I'll stick to django.

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    Started with Django before I went full stack. Quick tip. Just try building something. Learn as you go
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    Not everyone is good or can find satisfaction in front end dev. The tedious slow work required to get somethings working at times is just a pain the ass at best.

    Although turning a white canvas into some nice , useable UI is self rewarding.
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    Bored because it's boring or because it's frustrating?

    I think many would agree that CSS is the hardest part of the frontend stack. Where with HTML and js you can sort of wing it, with CSS you need a solid understanding of it to be effective.
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    @iamAfro That's what I am currently doing but i have completely given up on html and css and will only use django from now on, they are just too boring for me!
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    @spongessuck not sure which but i just know that i didn't like those two
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    Django is only your server side. The front end is equally important. I am primarily a backend engineer but had to become full stack because I could not stand the idea of not being good on the front end. In my opinion...css is a pain in the dick (way harder than the ass) and can reaaally make one appreciate the people that took the time to get good with it. Luckily we have some amazing shit like flexbox which takes away the pain of doing stuff like fucking positioning shit. A problem such as the "holy grail" design template can be made in minutes just by using some simple flexbox. You need to git gud with it broski, do not neglect css.
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    @AleCx04 Yeah, I bet i'll learn front end web developpement in the future but til now I think I'll stick with Django.
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