
Good: local news website has an interactive news paper online
Bad: You have to pay for it
Good: Found the exposed URL to all of the paper images
Bad: can't download from its parent directory
Good: made a shell script to download all images

  • 0
    I disagree that a newspaper's website being paid for access is bad.

    I expect its reporters to try and make more accurate articles than the ones of a free site of the same category in order to keep their subscribers and to gather new ones.

    Whether that's the case or not I do not know, but I hope it to be like that.
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    @RealKC in this day and age, I believe the real business model behind newspapers is advertising. Much like blogs or YouTube, they strive for good content and to support their good creative journalism, ads are put in place. And if ads don't reach out to more people because of restricted access, it's value is lessen. At least from my POV
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    @teganburns i added a for loop with curl to check for http header is 200. Then where the file since it's all sorted in different folders and it's numbered from page0001.jpg to page00xx.jpg
  • 0
    @teganburns oh yeah I tried the -r thing but it won't go through. Forced to use for loop 😮
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