
Can anyone recommend a good English to German translator?

Don't trust Google Translate enough to put it's words to paper, only asking here because I've noticed a lot of German dev's on here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • 10
    Google Translate is probably the best automatic translator you'll get. I say that based on its very own popularity, which means a lot of data to learn from. But if you're serious about it, I recommend paying a freelancer to do the job.
  • 5
    A german dev ?
  • 1
    @lucaspar awesome thanks!
    Might just use translate as a temp and pay for properer translatiom later on
  • 7
    Deepl is a very good translator, tho it has limited language support. German as well as English are included.
  • 0
    I always use dict.leo.org. But they don't have an automatic translator feature, only single words translation.
  • 2
    I heard from some German translator (human) once that bing translator is better than google translate. I can not confirm or deny that.

    Ich hörte von einigen deutschen Übersetzer (Mensch) einmal, dass Bing Translator ist besser als Google Translate. Ich kann nicht bestätigen oder leugnen, dass


    Ich habe von einem deutschen Übersetzer (Mensch) gehört, dass dieser Bing-Übersetzer besser ist als Google Translate. Ich kann das nicht bestätigen oder leugnen.
  • 4
    @helloworld funny though that this translation just disproved your point. Google did the correct translation on this one!

    Anyway, I would like to throw in https://dict.cc . I think it gives you the most information when you want to translate a single word
  • 1
    @ruhe yeah I don’t speak German so put that there as an experiment to see if a native speaker could verify.
  • 0
    @lxmcf Yeah, depending on the kind of work you do need translation for, it could really be worth it to pay some freelancer/translator.
  • 4
    It's DeepL (deepl.com). It uses deep learning for its translations and has been tested to produce better translations than Google Translate and similar services.
  • 2
    Definitely DeepL.
    It can translate even German complicated sentences correctly.
  • 1
    @helloworld Bing just translated the words individually.
  • 1
    I also recommend Google. Some ideas for better results:

    - avoid idioms, proverbs, play on words, movie references or anything like that since it's harder to translate.

    - prefer Simplified English since there is a higher chance that it will come out correct.

    - for manual corrections, use dictionaries both ways, i.e. look up the German word and then look up what (other) English words this German word can mean.

    - get a native speaker who knows the relevant domain. German is hard as foreign language.
  • 1
    @lxmcf you should learn German yourself for the Schnitzel and Bier in you! 😄
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