macOS 😂😂😂😂

  • 34
    I never understood (I know it's obviously to seem cool with that shitty apple logo) why people buy MacBooks for college when all they do is watch Netflix and type papers for class.

    Half these same assholes whine about tuition and not having money.

    Wellllll if you hadn't just spent well over $1k for a laptop when there's a $500 (if that) alternative that does the exact same thing, you'd have a bit more money.
  • 5
    @Stuxnet I agree with you. At college, I used a 100€ 11" laptop ("Eee PC" I think was its name) and was enough for me.
  • 19
    I used a fountain pen and paper during my studies.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet eeeexactly. I tell this to everyone. If they are going to watch movies and fuck around with fb then there is no reason why one has to be messing around buying what would become a 2000 dlles facebook machine
  • 2
    @AleCx04 If you're an art major or something that could benefit and use the machine's potential, then absolutely. A history major who types papers and watches documentaries? LMFAO why would you need that
  • 7
    What i have notice that people who major in computers tend to have or use computers or phones which are simple and not the latest one. But the people majoring in non computers tends to use latest tech for typing word, excel documents and watching movies.
  • 0
    @Unai OMG I still have one of those (don't use it anymore obviously). Loved that thing during the age of netbooks.
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins I get that. Hence why I said for "papers and Netflix."
  • 0
    @Stuxnet usally they don't have any money due to buying booze all the time
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop what is this"paper"you speak of? What os does it run?
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  • 2
    Apple is so marketing focused it's sickening. They seem to constantly regress, but continuously shove the "fact" that they are best platform around down everyone throats.

    I have used Windows from day one and dabbled with Linux on and off. My work computer however is a recent model Mac and having never used one before a few years ago I have to say that macOS it is a buggy pile of systems tied together with chewing gum.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Because the specs of a MacBook are perfect for watching Netflix.

    I'm joking btw.
  • 0
    And why is it not called Laptop too. Why called Macbook ?
  • 0
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