Dark mode in macOS Mojave !! 😍😍😍😍😍

Stacks 👍

Thanks Apple !!

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    Step 2: fix damn Xcode, and add an option to disable that collapse animation 😒

    Left Mac at work installing it let's hope nothing goes wrong lol
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    @gitpush Step 3. Make iOS development available outside Mac or fuck off
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    did they release the stable one finally????
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    @Milenchy you only need to build on Mac OS, technically
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    Step 4: make the fucking actual windows behave like on every other Linux distro/Windows installation
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    @ObiSwagKenobi UGH totally agree. I had to buy BetterTouchTool to deal with it.
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    It's about fucking time. Honestly, how hard is it to implement a dark theme, that it took this long? >_>
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    @Koolstr slack doesn't even have a dark theme and it's a webapp!
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    @mjones44 Yeah, sadly too many apps don't even when it would be so freaking simple to do... It frustrates the hell out of me that so many apps offer no alternative to their color scheme.
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    No words needed...
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    @Koolstr Ibuse the web version of slack and use the “Dark Background and Light Text” in firefox.
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    Wow! That's innovation right there man! I can just imagine everybody now copying this great New feature
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    Mine still stuck on Downloading lol
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    @Koolstr App devs don't even need to make a dark theme themselves — especially with ElectronJS desktop apps it is trivial to make a "css override" option, let the community go nuts with it.

    You can do this with Slack in a very hacky way by modifying some source code, but in my opinion every desktop app that doesn't respect OS theming should include theming support.
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    @bittersweet yes, you can mod dark themes on many apps. I do that with Firefox to get a true pure dark experience. But it really should have to come down to that. These things should be native.
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    @shaji we can only hope everyone picks up on this as some sort of new trend lol. Then dark users like me will benefit
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    @Koolstr I've come from a pretty dark place. I have severe depression. Do I qualify?
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    @Koolstr yeah, what I've started doing is, instead of using the official slack desktop app (the Electron app) I just used that chrome feature where you can save any URL as an "app" (basically it's just a chrome window but it just has the menubar only, no chrome controls), and this way, chrome extensions load in it, and then I just use the Stylus extension to apply my own custom dark theme.
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    I like the group function for desktop too!
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    is it worth upgrading from HighSierra
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    @aflahali if you're as obsessed with dark theme as I am then yes but I literally only updated for dark theme
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