
First time going to college was my first time commiting for real becoming a dev. But with my close minded brain. I believe i only want to became a backend. So here is my story of me getting mad to monitor.

First year i got 24" Monitor. "Shit this is so unproductive, a need a new workspace to place my debugger".

Got another 24" Monitor. "ahh better" -- later on got a Web Developing Class. "Fuck i need moar workspace, i need to see a live reload and a debugger !"

Got a 27" Monitor. "FUCK, there is no way to plug this monitor"

Got No-Brainer-Fast-Bought 1060 3GB. "Finally !". Hmm "this one bigger monitor seems odd, i need to change this to become even"

Got another 2x27" Instead of 1x24" To replace 27". "Why the hell am i wasting money?".


...Maybe gamble poker when working is nice...


Got another 27".

  • 6
    Must be nice 😂😂

    I'm working with 1 20" low end monitor and my laptop.
  • 0
    I'm working with one 13" and happy about it! Just set up shortcuts, it's faster than moving the mouse around
  • 1
    Hahaha I feel you completely. When I go to work, I usually replace buy with "take monitors that no ones using, care about, don't need cos I see it's always your wallpaper".

    Then become robin hood and take for the team. One job, got like 10 monitors for the team through various means 😂😂.

  • 0
    @CodeBane damn we don't do hash tags brufs

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    Yes, i need 2 GPU as well
  • 1
    @irene now it's four of them -_-
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    @irene i know right. I am wasting to much moneh. But now i am unnecessarily much more productive tho
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    @irene that's why i said unnecessarily more productive. It is so productive that i almost doesn't need them
  • 1
    @Nanos @irene
    1. Debugging and/or Live Reload, Preview. (Main, Center, Landscape)
    2. Programming. (Left, Potrait)
    3. Documentation. (Right, Landscape)
    4. Random, Misc (Top Center)
  • 0
    @wowotek I like that set up, people don't appreciate the productivity increase then diminishing returns but addictive lure of the ultimate monitor fortress.

    I understand your struggle and salute your progress.

    MonitorMafia (no hashtag lol)
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