
I created a script with power shell that notifies me before I leave the office if my train is on time or isn’t. See the comment for another image of when the service isn’t on time!

  • 65
    here’s what it looks like if it isn’t on time
  • 51
    Good use of skills (other than earning money lol)
  • 5
  • 35
    Cool! So now you can spend more time debugging that awful code that your previous coworker wrote years ago :)
  • 3
    Now let's change the icon to something beautiful ^^
  • 3
    What API do you use for that?
  • 2
    Also in case of not on time, adding delay information might be useful, if available.
  • 16
    Nice, of course if you lived in the S.E. of England you could just display an image saying your train is delayed.
  • 3
    Have you uploaded the code on GitHub?
  • 1
    How about saying it's late or delayed?
  • 3
    When it’s delayed it’ll show the next service available and how many minutes the original service is delayed by.
  • 6
    I thought it was going to be swearing X'D disappointed!
  • 0
    It tells you at noon tat the 17:32 train is departing on platform 1?


    Can u share teh codez?
  • 1
  • 1
    @Robinha Have you ever been to Germany? ':D
  • 0
    @finncya everyone in the UK imagines that the German trains always run whatever the weather and are punctual and comfortable. Is that not true? 😮😮
  • 3
    @Robinha lol rofl
    Trains in germany deserve their own rant XD
  • 2
    Is that trainId really useful? You can also update your script to lock screen if you will be missing that train 😝
  • 1
    @venky and commit everything you've done that day to a new branch and push
  • 0
    Which API do you use for that?
  • 0
    I'd be getting the not-on-time notification all the time...
  • 2
    These kind of projects are awesome. Things useful for you
  • 1
    @gitpush I find myself doing things like that often too. it's a lot of fun, you learn new things, it kills some time, it's totally worth it!
  • 0
    @chabad360 it sure is, great to do every once and awhile
  • 0
    @Robinha you are thinking of the Swiss, the place where people are as the German stereotype is
  • 0
    Did the same with bash on my Linux laptop🤙🏻
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