HR: How many years you've been developing on Xamarin ?
Me: Three years, with many side projects
HR: So, you're familiar with C#?
Me: No, I've been coding in "hieroglyphs".

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    I suppose there are some ways to use VB or F# with Xamarin /s
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    What about Windows and Visual Studio ? Are you comfortable to work with those technologies ?
  • 9
    You must be one patient guy to work with it or you must have nuclear powered station that runs Visual Studio.

    I tried to learn Xamarin. Failed. Extremely happy with Flutter now.

    Good luck with the stupid HR!
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    @Kyouma I didn't try Flutter yet, because I'am afraid that it's not stable/mature yet.

    I gave React Native a shot and it was good and with a very active community.

    Xamarin is good too but of course with some limitations (nothing like native after all)
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    @Coffe2Code I encourage you to try flutter. It's really stable now and leaning curve is easy. The possibilities are limitless too. I think any decent developer will love it.

    Also there's the new NativeScript (which compiles the script into native code) but it's still mystery for me and I suspect it would be limited in many areas.
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    @Kyouma I tried running Visual Studio on my private datacenter on a spaceship, but all I saw was "VNC connection ended" and a small yellow dot in the sky. Oh well.
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    @mishaor Made my day 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Ha sarcasm, fantastic
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