
Why do some employers feel like they're doing you a favor by shoving a project on you done with a shit technology you aren't well versed in?

"It's just a small update."
"It will look great on your CV. Every Big Company™ uses it!"

I wasn't interested in learning sharepoint before I started doing this 'small update' and I'm definitely not interested in putting it on my CV now.

  • 4
    Reminds me of school.
    "Hey learn this, you'll definitely need it!"

    * Reads paper *

    "Lava is called magma when it's underground?"

    Yes fuck no I wanna learn how to establish a financially secure life after school and how to pay taxes and all that important shit where there's no lessons for.
  • 0
    @jennytengsonM Yeah, pretty much what I thought.
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