
The past two years since I've started working, I've never taken a holiday. Today, I was forced to go on paid leave for 3 weeks. Feels weird but kinda exciting at the same time :D

In the end I'll probably be programming half the time anyway...

  • 0
    Enjoy it! Vacations are important, and I'm sure you will feel even better after, with renewed energy!

    Any exciting plans?
  • 5
    code at least somewhere exciting!
    Have you ever been in Japan sitting in a wooden hot bath tub in a onsen (japanese spa) with a view on mount Fuji, while top less women serve you sake and beer? No? Me neither. 😄 But Japan is really nice.
  • 2
    @heyheni holy shit that's scary, no joke I'm flying to Japan next Friday, and I think that's the exact spa I'm going to (Takaragawa).

    Wtf, it's like you read my mind
  • 1
    Awesome! 😄
    I assure you this is just coincidence.
    Your devRant name has a Japanese sound to it, so I thought maybe you like animes.
  • 1
    Same here, im freelancer, but in my freetime i always endup coding
    Because it's fun
    Because i miss it
    That's when i try new stuff
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