
Studying engineering doesn't make you an expert physicist, and studying medicine doesn't make you an expert virologist. Learn the bloody difference, just because somebody has a degree doesn't mean all they say is true and verified, especially if the don't list their sources or talk about it "exclusively" for one media.

  • 4
    Why you’re writing such terrible things I am now scared that there is no Santa and I won’t go to heaven.
  • 2
    Also even experts make mistakes
  • 0
    Degrees alone don't guarantee the truth, especially when sources are absent. Critical thinking is vital; questioning is crucial. In today's interconnected world, misinformation spreads like wildfire, especially across various media platforms. Let's prioritize evidence-based information over blind trust. And let's remember, border-free health should be the gold standard, transcending geographical and ideological boundaries, and ensuring the well-being of all.
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