
person1: "So I year your studying to become a web developer"
person2: "Ya I am"
person1: "So what school are you going to?"
person2: "its called w3schools"

  • 7
    I'm learning to fly a plane and be a pilot!!
    I'm training in GTA
  • 3
    @thmnmlst it is. w3fools.com
    Leave that place and go to MDN
  • 2
    Learned the basics from there and continued on my own.... now I work for amazon.
  • 1
    I don't even know either @pxgamer
    Sure its not at all in depth, just incredibly basic. But for people starting out, what's more useful; a well laid out page with interactive examples or pages and pages of documentation from the languages site. Honestly every once in awhile when I forget some things regarding CSS I'll go check them from there.
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