  • 7
    Nope, but if you can afford it and want to get one who is anyone to tell anyone different? ;)
  • 8
    U need Linux
  • 5
    If it runs Linux, I'll code on it.
  • 4
    I have a Macbook Pro sitting on my desk. I use it only when clients complain about Safari and retina stuff. I can't do anything on it. I have Synergy just so I can use my main keyboard on it. And, I'm spoiled - I need three big screens for developing.
  • 2
    Noob here. What's the difference between coding on Windows/Linux/Mac OS? Isn't the code the same, as well the result?
  • 0
    @erikdreyer11 Web dev can be coded in all three. The others I can't say as I don't code in those
  • 1
    @WerewolfCustoms Safari should render exactly the same on a PC so no need for hideously expensive Mac. Retina display is overkill TBH.
  • 0
    @cosinusdealfa it's just personal preference although performance can come into it when compiling / debugging / testing. Its just another piece of kit another option no better than the rest other than the price tag, ouch.
  • 1
    @erikdreyer11 either is just fine. Its just down to personal preference. I prefer Windows simply because it appears more intuative compared to Linux. That doesn't make it better or worse. I would try both and see which you enjoy the most. You could be more productive using one over the other too.
  • 1
    It's pretty important if you want to make iOS apps natively.
  • 0
    That's true. You need something with a keyboard to code.
  • 0
    Use your own tools, with the time you'll find what fits your needs.
  • 0
    I thought C# was Microsoft propietary...

    Dunno. Python is pretty nice on linux as it has better support for it imho.

    Only real reason I see for coding on Mac would be if you need to build a native iOS app.
  • 0
    @m0j0nz0r or if you decide you want to code on mac. You know, like some people do :p lol
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