
The solution to the Java-JavaScript problem:

Rename JS to something else, like WebScript or HypertextScript.

  • 1
    As it is an ECMA standard... maybe ECMAscript? Maybe ES5 for the 5th version and ES6 for the 6th version?
  • 1
    I've actually been very pro changing JS name to something like ECMAScript with .es as file extension. ES2016 is completely different from the good old JavaScript and changing the name might speed up the development and cut off all the legacy from the days of browser wars.
  • 0
    But JavaScript can be used in anything that can compile and run it. Doesn't necessarily need to be a browser....I don't mind ECMAScript, but if I said that everyone would give me that questioning look. Like what the hell is he talking about...
  • 1
    Let's rename it to RubyScript to avoid all Java confusion 😂
  • 0
    HellScript is best option
  • 1
    Echoscript, because you always call back
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