
Only if users were as smart as us. Sigh.

  • 3
    What if they already are and we underestimate them?
    What if we're responsible for making them so dumb?
  • 1
    Some of them are born dumb and learned nithing after this.
  • 0
    Yep. Recently, i saw someone like IE more than Chrome or firefox! She is an old person, but never in this world i thought I'd see anyone say they like IE! Just unbelievable 🤐
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    @HoloDreamer eh, old people don't really care, using a computer is probably challenging enough for them, they don't feel the need to look for and install any browser other than the one that comes already installed on their PC
  • 2
    @vortex36 True. They just need the Internet, not a browser...
  • 3
    Not to be a complete dick, but creating a UI or UX that's too complicated for the end user isn't exactly good UI / UX.

    Identify them as personas, use them to create good user stories and develop better UIs.
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    "If only the devs were humans like us" - Users
  • 2
    We are not that smart either. If you've done something that's not understandable by simple manuals or visual guides, then it's your problem.
  • 1
    They're not and never will be. They will try in every possible way to break your stuff. That's one of the challenges of developing software 😊
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