
I'm taking an Intro to Programming course along aside an Intro to Computers class so I already know about basic programing, still very new to it though! At the end of the Intro to Comp, we're learning about programming and a classmate was having a hard time understanding assignments and variables.

I explained the idea of the input command at least three times and he kept trying to print out a statement he just wanted to write in instead of printing out the input that the user will enter. He also assigned the same name to different variables.

Explained that what he was doing was not versatile and not useful, explained in an example situation, explained by writing some lines of code myself (THRICE), and he still had trouble understanding me. I didn't want to hold his hand the entire time.

Glad that I was called to leave early since I might get too frustrated if I had to stay back and continue to help him.

Hope he managed to finish the assignments successfully though! Feel kinda bad now...

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    I had the same thing. I started my study around 14 weeks ago. But I could already program. I needed to help my classmates too all the time. but after the first semester I skipped the first grade. I hope your study goes well too!
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    I always try to help other students as I have more experience than most of them, but some situations are out of scope for me.

    Things like this should be handled by the teachers or T.A.s, or the student has to put in a bit of work from home in order to keep up with the rest of the class.

    It's not your fault for that student's troubles, you tried to help.
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