
Co-worker: "We would appreciate it if your future commits weren't so ignorant and bigoted"
Me: "Excuse me?"
Co-worker: "You made the gender variable a boolean"
I... But... Okay...

  • 6
    Lmfao you can't take these people seriously. There's just something wrong up there
  • 3
    LMFAO that's hilarious. Use an enum i guess...
  • 0
  • 0
    Is this for real?
  • 19
    Easily fixed.

    public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE, COWORKER }

    (Using enums is a good idea anyway, even if you only support the 2 standard genders. I'm fairly certain that the number of people out there who identify as True or False is fairly low)
  • 3
    Ask for sex (eyooo) instead. It gets the result you want and people with a sex change can answer fine too.
  • 5
    @mzgaljic The gender list over there is worse than I could imagine. I can understand a few "unusual" genders but that list is the result of a bunch of RPG players putting together random shit.
  • 2
    @nickpapoutsis I know it's horrifying. It's like we need a glossary to actually understand someone's gender now 😂
  • 14
    1 for the rod. 0 for the hole.
  • 1
    Truly awful posting here. Respect gender signifiers, don't be cucks about it.
  • 6
    @meow Yeah, you must respect my Demi-smoke gender I just came up with.

    This is exactly why the "Other Gender" people are being laughed at.

    "Demi-smoke (term coined by @cotton-blossom-jellyfish): A transcendental, spiritual gender roughly drifting to other genders that are unable to be foreseen and understood, shrouded in darkness within your inner visual. Elevating through mystery. Caused by a lack of inner interpretation and dark emotional states. Tied to Demi-Vapor."
  • 5
    I'm all for respecting how people identify. It's a valid concern. I really mean that!

    But when people come up with 50+ different genders it becomes a little hard to not laugh. What's next, will someone identify as a cyborg? Will every website and app need to be updated to accommodate the 1 person that now identifies as a cyborg?

    Anyway this is a sensitive topic, my intent is not to offend anyone, just mentioning my 2 cents. :)
  • 3
    I identify as the embodiment of code, also known as code-kin. @dfox where is my profile gender? Stop oppressing me!
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