
I login this morning

Everyone going crazy as prod is broken in a million ways. 2.5 million exceptions In 24 hours.

We talk for 1 hour and solve nothing.

I diagnose the 2 biggest sources of exceptions and explain every step I took with screen snippets to reach my conclusions

The one other competent person on my team agrees. Otherwise complete silence.

I'm told not to fix the issue because I am leaving in 6 weeks and other people have to start taking responsibility.

No one fixes the issues. Instead they leave early. Now it's the weekend and the product is fucked.

Fucking useless people. Can't wait to leave.

  • 7
    Those people must have pudding heads, especially when the other colleague of yours seems to know what to do?!
  • 13
    Tf? Would it take more than 6 weeks to fix the whole thing? You should tell them that there’s a product in the bug instead.
  • 7
    I can see why they're concerned about getting other people to take responsibility. You weren't allowed to fix it and nobody else bothered trying.
  • 1
    I wish I had a team member that would explain the reasoning behind something without me chasing the person and asking thousands of questions.
  • 1
    @idkwhattobuy our team merged with another team that is exactly like that. All their stuff is highly customized code with no documentation and only one person truly understands each part. There have been occasions when one absence has caused multiple people to grind to a halt and mark stories as blocked until they return.
  • 0
    I'm super late to the party but couldn't this be some sort of bystander effect? In which people are told someone must fix the issue, but no one in specific is told to fix the issue, so everyone thinks "someone else will do it" and in the end no one fixes it. Either that or your company sucks (or both).
  • 0
    ... did you not have version control or something? Just take it back to a previous state, revert the migrations if you made any, and fix the problem without the stress of it being on production. No?
  • 0
    @eo2875 we don't have a proper way to rollback database migrations, proper error logging to pinpoint which service is causing failure, and we use microservices with remote procedure calls without tagging PRs with the relevent stories and that means figuring out which services will not be in sync if we roll ACL is not trivial.
  • 0
    2.5m exceptions??? Did your event bus go down?? Holy crap
  • 0
    @valkn0t :) we don't have an event bus. It's full RPC. To scale out we just scale a cluster of 10 microservices and hope for the best (obviously we could do better, or rather someone else could do better)
  • 0
    @craig939393 ahh I gotchu...I’m trying to carefully extract a service from a monolith into its own micro service; skipped RPC and going straight to attempting the event sourcing route. it’s a bitch and a half
  • 0
    @valkn0t I didn't find it too bad, it's crucial to figure out the correct context boundaries. But then I haven't done anything big with it, or refactored a monolith.

    Good luck mate. Hope it goes great.
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