"being gifted is a curse. You are f*cling crippled, you believed you were gifted, but you have been crippled the whole time."

I never could agree more to these words (healthyGamerGg, a youtube therapist specialized in people with issues related to videogames)

If you read my last rant you may in fact know i have a lot of issues with the implications of our jobs and truth be told, it all boils down to my iq.
Or better: to the fact i have a decent skill for abstracting stuff (iq is so freaking generic)... It can be a blessing while solving issues, but it feels awful when you realize that no matter the amount of money, you will still need something else to be happy the first day of work.
Sometimes I really wonder if I am an a-hole, stupid or if i think these 2 things to deny the fact my reasoning is correct.

On a side note table top games are very easy to enjoy: as soon as I sit at the table my brain goes: "the game is gonna be very boring if you play normally, at the best you are gonna learn a new strat, at the worst you are winning and it'll be just an ego jerk off... What if you play stuff you feel like to play and enjoy the ride and the conversation without planning to win?"
Except cards against humanity and yogi. Those two must be won!
(Yogi is a game where you play cards which give you restrictions e.g: "keep an index on the tip of the nose for the rest of the game" or "place this card on your head for the rest of the game" you lose as soon as you fail any of the cards you played or if you declare you can't draw)

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    bruh, write a game. you got epic/steam at your disposal. this means distribution and promotion rolled into one. once you will hit the first million bucks, this will become a non-issue
    or you cant 3d then cope with your webmaster skills
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    @bad-frog I would, but I have some trauma and have issues expressing myself. Here the anonymity helps a lot, but irl/planning to do stuff I just keep thinking nobody's interested in my stuff (which is not really true given that i have some interesting stories, but emotions are hard to handle)

    Not webmaster, I am a full-stack dev, mostly working on the frontend nowadays... But I get your point!

    I fear that therapy is needed first in my case x.x
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    well, if your issue is what you have to express is not compatible with modern viewpoints, first of all, know that you are not alone in this.
    powerful people want to cement their power, and it is dependent on driving the median man down.
    those at the top arent that smart so they want to dumb society down.
    as a smart person, you surely can take advantage of that.
    retards are in vogue, but when it comes to mission-critical elements, only the best are considered.
    and, in this way, people who actually posess Ghz in their brains are sought after.
    get a nice portfolio, dont be afraid of taking on new challenges and you will be golden.
    just get that portfolio in the matters you are interested in.
    and obviously, look for job offers that align with your inclination.
    if youre a low level kind of guy, you have nothing to do with javaS, even tho it helps.
    alternatively, you can have the dayjob/nightjob routine.
    or thats my take on things.
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    or wrirte a game. once you hit 1M you can afford not to care if you manage your money well enough
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