
Dev: So tell me some specs about the app you want.
Client: something like facebook.
Dev: you know facebook has too many features for even having a price tag?
Client: what? Will I pay too? I have the idea.


  • 7
    I hope you told him to take that idea shove it up his ass
  • 17
    You have to pay him money for his idea!
  • 4
    He got the IDEA! The Facebook! And you talk money to him!? I mean, Who gets such a brilliant idea on this planet, you should already be thanking him bro..
  • 1
    C'mon man we slave away to pay these people to come to our place and gives us ideas, and you just find one walking off the street!? You are so lucky man
  • 5
    You should have said, "now I have the idea"
  • 0
    Truth be told ideas are everything haha
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