Need Advice on learning programming

How do I know when I'm learning too much too soon.

My brain is killing me. Been reading and practicing since 7 am. :(

  • 4
    When I was first learning I did a lot of tutorials, and had to accept that some things are magic. You don't need to know why it works right now, just that it does. The rest comes with time.

    Do some tutorials, then change it to add a new feature or whatever. It doesn't come over night, but keep chipping away, keep practicing and you'll get there! Once you feel like you "know" programming, you'll realize that you never stop reading, learning and practicing...
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    I'd just recommend going with tutorials. Many of them are really great. I started with courses at my univetsity, but I'm guessing thats not really feasable for many.
  • 2
    I learned C and C++ really good with à youtuber called "the new Boston". Even our old teacher recomended him!
  • 1
    Well the way I learn is by going to github, choose a project in the language I want to learn that's fairly active, start contributing and have it as a competition to resolve issues faster and better than others, if it's faster they will suggest better and you can learn from that...
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    Another thing worth adding is dont strain yourself. To really learn pretty much anything takes time. Rather do 1h a day than 7h in one day and then nothing for a few days
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    @swantzter that's fine as long as you are past the hello world stage
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    @philcr hehe yeah, and as long as there is an existing documentation for the language...
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    Hey Jester, I totally feel you! I've been in the same shoes before, and it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of learning something new. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I remind myself to pace myself and take breaks every hour or so. It's also important to prioritize sleep and self-care - your brain (and body) need time to process and consolidate the new information. I'd recommend checking out some tips on https://edureviewer.com/services/... specifically their review on Paperial, which offers a range of programming services that might be helpful in your learning journey. Good luck, and don't burn out!
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