
Once again, from the deepest of my heart, FUCK YOU UBUNTU

  • 4
    It was pretty clear doe..
  • 5
    `y` ain't `Y` ^^

    If you don't want to be interactive, rather run `sudo apt dist-upgrade -y`, there it is lowercase.
  • 5
    User error.
  • 7
    What a deceitful case-sensitive check. FUCK IT, indeed!
    Also, no, it's seen upper case because it's a default option, doesn't mean it should be typed upper case.
  • 8
    ngl I would've hit Enter without input, thinking "Y" is the default.
  • 6
    @petergriffin @k0pernikus @localpost If you enjoy being fussy then I'll add that the correct proposal should be [Y/whatevertheshit] as any key different from capital Y is interpreted as a "no"
  • 2
    weird. doesnt do that for me.
    what package manager do you use?
  • 2
    Is this apt !? Apt doesnt do this for me.. I always assumed Y stood for default option.
  • 11
    n = stands for NO, I don't want to continue.
    Y = stands for YES, I want to abort.

  • 4
    Could we just delete computers and start over ?
  • 2
    @dder im not giving up my pron.
    nor my C for that matter (afterthought:)
  • 1
    Just your daily dose of bad UI design (and Linux OSes in general aren't known for their good UI design anyway).
  • 1
    @dontbeevil there he is... on every linux post.. talking about how everyone seems to hate windows.
  • 1
    @ostream That wasnt actually the problem. If it was uniform across ubuntu that one has to type the caps Y, there wouldnt have been anyone whining. But it is almost universal that a caps Y or N, means it is the default. When it doesnt work somewhere, users will complain about inconsistency.
  • 1
    Why does this even show up, fucking idiotic. 100gb left on server..."are you sure you have 22k to install this patch?". Garbage.
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Linux is far worse when it comes to this shit. But shhhhh..we are cool hackers and it's open source which is "better"...echo chamber Bullshit..BULLSHIT.
  • 0
    @ostream It's not. Stop fooling yourself. Perhaps today's news will open your eyes....but of course the echo chamber is real. I deal with all this Linux shit on Digital Ocean every day, it's shit, it's broken, insecure and clunky.
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    @ostream plus the fact this garbage runs the US infastructure and most of the plants is FUCKING FRIGHTENING.
  • 1
    @intromatt there are legitimate reasons why someone would not want to install a software. Most people who complain about linux do it because they broke it while "upgrading". And you fault linux for asking whether one wants to take that risk !?
  • 1
    @intromatt yeah. Lets run windows in a nuclear powerplant and see it abruptly shutdown in the middle of the day to update, and take days to fully bootup coz of 100% disk usage problems.

    Ofcourse the above is a joke. Dont feel superior for explaining how windows can handle it by "simply" using a SSD coz HDD == floppy disk
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Okay. I should have known that people have trouble understanding what someone means when they say something was a "joke". So foolish of me.
  • 0
    @k0pernikus waaait no.
    AFAIK that capitalisation is irrelevant. At least on my machine.

    It is however used to suggest an answer: [y,N] vs [Y,n] (iirc)

    problem should be sth. else (timeout maybe?)
  • 0
    @dontbeevil Ok.. I edited it after a minute.. just to make sure that everyone understood i was exhaggerating. I have tonal issues when talking in the internet. I still get hate replies in a particular video about genghis khan where i sarcastically said something and 100s of people are still calling me a monster after 3 years of clarifying.
  • 0
    @ostream LoL! Can't tell if you are a troll or a cringe XD
  • 0
    @ostream Also, about this quote: "when it comes to the OS that powers our public institutions and nuclear plants i'm pretty convinced open source is far better" ..... :3:3:3 HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH AHHAHAHAHH AHAHHAHAHA XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD Thank you brother, you just made my day! :D
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    @Manjia open source means you can freely look into it and change whatever you dont like.

    this means two things:
    no backdoors
    custom protocols down to the lowest level.

    nothing stops you from replacing sudo with something that works in an entirely different way. like with a physical usb key that you have to plug into the machine

    heck you can build your own shell in linux, no issues whatsoever.

    and if me, a devrant no life rando knows that, you can be sure that actually competent people can do even better. and they do.

    no wonder 95% of the world runs on linux
  • 0
    @ostream So you're a cringe, nice :D
  • 0
    @bad-frog I have a feeling about open source and the topic is hard to argue in a few lines, if I'd have to mention what I dislike the most is the total lack of responsabilities on whoever develops and publishes shit software (the subject of this rant is a pretty neat example of what I mean by shit software) that is also why I think that claiming opensource fits well in "public institutions and nuclear plants" is at least laughable
  • 1
    @Manjia thats a fair point.
    had my share of issues with linux myself.
    however i had my share of issues with windows and apple too.

    the difference is that linux is user-serviceable.
    takes some time, some curses, but everything can be fixed or, more importantly in this context, changed.

    and in securing critical infrastructure, id say customisation trumps convenience.

    not to mention backdoors. oh! the backdoors...
  • 1
    @ostream "it'd do good to human gene pool", so the nazi stuff were actually true? Lol! Cringe and nazi.. sorry to say this but I do not envy you bro!
  • 1
    Btw to whoever takes for granted that since I dislike Ubuntu I'm a Windows lover (@ostream) what I use at 98% as OS is Linux Manjaro, the OS which I share my name with, deal with it, Linux OSs that do not suck shit do exist, Ubuntu is simply NOT one of them
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    @dontbeevil heh yeah, for sure you dont want to be installing ubuntu desktop on a nuclear reactor:)))

    nah, im more thinking of something like has been done with android.
  • 1
    @Manjia I have heard about companies choosing the closed source software just because it is closed source. There is definitely worry about security even in open source and the fact is made worse by bugs also being in the open.

    But just like someone argued that Windows home need not be used in nuclear power plants, people dont go and use ubuntu on a critical place. There are dedicated companies working on that kind of distro creation and bug fixing on the kernel as a service.. like Redhat and all.

    So being open source doesnt mean only worthless code is inside the source. It is constantly whetted anyway by qualified maintainers sometimes even backed by big corporations like Intel. And apart from that services like redhat do enterprise support on top of that.

    Whereas in case of windows and mac os.. everything above is in the mercy of developers in windows. Granted they do collaborate with hardware manufacturers.
  • 0
    @Manjia I worked in a company which created its own distribution for the hardware it made.

    Most of the things we hate in specific flavors of linux is due to distro engineering. There are entire books dedicated to it, since that is one of the most difficult process in making a working OS.

    building the linux kernel is mostly the easiest of that. And least problematic mostly.
  • 1
    @ostream Customers which picked Ubuntu as OS, despite my and my company suggestions, because they have been told that Ubuntu is a good OS by dipshits like you are the ones who forces me to use that garbage. Perhaps I should have made that clear earlier
  • 0
    You can approve the change with `-y`. Try `apt install -y ...` or `apt-get install -y ...`
    with `...` being your desired package.
  • 0
    @ostream Yeah right, I'm not going to waste another single whine on you, cringe boy.. its pretty clear that your mouth is still stained with milk and your graduation diploma still features fresh ink.. good luck finding a real job bro!
  • 0
    @ostream So I did for NASA, I'm sorry was this a who-got-the-biggest-rocket challenge?
  • 2
  • 0
    @ostream Agree, also I'm pretty sure they do not use garbage like Ubuntu in production, you know, no one there wants to deal with capital "Y"s when its a matter of confirming the proper angle to perform a landing
  • -1
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  • 0
    @ostream Boy, I do use LINUX MANJARO, I not even aware about what fucking version of Microsoft's OS is running the most these days, I understand you're missing the times when you worked there since when they kicked you out but plz stop quoting them, I have no subject about to argue with..
  • 0
    @Jessica25 LOL! This one I actually can't tell if its a troll or not!! XD XD XD
  • 0
    @ostream Yes, I definitely am, and that's because interpreting a lowercase "y" as a "no" answer is a so stupid and deceitful error that nothing in the world can justify it, the responsible "vulunteer" should be whipped with electric wires just to be an example to make future generations avoid doing something this stupid, to this, that by itself suffice to a rant, I'll add that this unforgivable error was not made in some obscure module no one ever heard about, it lies in the fucking confirm message that pops everytime you install anything, also is this the only single stupid mistake in all Ubuntu ecosystem? HELL NO, Ubuntu is primaly characterized by shit like this, basically anything is badly designed and wrong starting from the basis
  • 0
    @ostream But you are already aware about some of the Ubuntu's stupidest feature, primaly because I see you have checked all of my prevoious rants, well If you agree with a video player not being able to play videos and a display driver not being able to display at a better res than 640x480 on a 90'' screen, then you live in a sad world my boy, and I pity you
  • 0
    @ostream Not in 2021, in 2021 I cannot live with that
  • 1
    @ostream But the main point about this example is that basically any electronic device I'm aware of is capable to play basically any video, my TV can do that, my phone can do that, my watch can do that, geez I think my oven can do that as well, no matter what the hardware or the os is, as long as it is NOT Ubuntu... does this make Ubuntu a shit OS? Goddamnit YES, IT DOES.
  • 0
    @ostream Just a friendly suggestion bro, have you actually ever tried Linux Manjaro? If not I strongly advise you to do so, I can bet that you'll then come back here with the intent of puking rants on Ubuntu as much as you can
  • 1
    @ostream I'm expecting the product I'm using to behave in an intuitive way and to work as expected, if this is too much for Ubuntu to me its ok, -I use arch btw-, just plz stop praising Ubuntu as a decent OS, it simply is not
  • 0
    @ostream * and its not a Driver is a codec (just as yourself mentioned before)
  • 0
    @ostream What is the same OS? Ubuntu and Manjaro? This prophanity is making my ears bleed, you heretic! Its pretty much the same as saying that IOS and Android are the same OS coz they both got unix backbone.. And u asked me if I'm new to Computers? My god.. get out of your fucking open source shell
  • 0
    @Manjia no, arch and ubuntu are the same os.
    thats the whole idea of distros.

    same os, different packages installed on top of that.

    your troubles with ubuntu are caused by gnome, the graphical interface, well known to be shit.

    or the y-thing, caused by apt, a package manager.

    you could just as well have used snap or flatpak. or have installed KDE or XFCE instead of gnome as a gui.

    all these are interchangeable, you mix and match. sometimes its a pain, but that was the basic intent. thats why its called a distro, and not an os.

    hating on ubuntu- i get it. they present themselves as an aio- out of the box, hassle free experience. but at its root its linux. you can do whatever you want with it.

    i had ubuntu running running all the components mentionned above.

    i had ubuntu-specific trouble as well as linux-specific trouble.
  • 1
    in fact, whether be it ubuntu or manjaro or arch or debian or whatever the distro is out there i cant run openclC with my hardware on linux, but thats because amd are lazy fucks and cant be bothered to write proper drivers.

    so now i have a windows host and run linux inside a VM.

    why so? because widows isnt perfect either.

    its a fact of life that once you stray away from well trodden paths youre gonna encounter difficulties.

    and as a software engineer its our job to find solutions, not despair at the lack of those
  • 1
    @ostream heh ios is using a fuckton of gnu utilities

    from the top of my head:


    the cheap fucking bastards
  • 0
    @bad-frog People, seriously, would you STOP taking out Windows as a comparison term? I really don't know what the fuck you are talking about, I've never seen this so called Windows before and I'm not planning to do so in the near future so can you please support your Ubuntu favourite OS without throwing shit on this "windows" os I'm not even aware of? Thank you.
  • 1
    Also I see everybody here is super smart in pointing out which one is the most correct term to use where, I wish this kind of smartness was applied when deciding what response to [Y/n] should be interpreted as a "yes" answer.
  • 1
    @Manjia since its the most popular user-grade os, its only a natural thing to compare apples to apples.

    in other words: linux and windows.

    comparing ubuntu to manjaro would be like comparing windows N vs windows vanilla;
    and its exactly the case when you compare ubuntu to majaro concerning video playback.

    windows N vs vanilla windows havent got win media player installed. so you wouldnt be able to play mp4 out of the box either.

    in both cases it can be fixed by installing VLC...
  • 0
    @ostream yeah, just googled it, it uses freebsd until now.
    completely forgot that there was an era before linux:)))
  • 1
    YOU all took out the comparison thing as an argument, I simply stated that Ubuntu is garbage because only a stupid dipshit would interpret a "y" as a "no" over a [Y/n] proposal, if you can argue back to that, without saying "yeah but this comparison term does worst in this way" like a 5 y/o children, I'd be glad to hear such argument.
  • 0
    @ostream What if I do, you nazi?
  • 2
    @Manjia @ostream

    guys, how bout we agree on the fact that we disagree then have a tall cold one, eh?

    i mean, we couldnt meet, but we can have a good beer in our respective places of stay...
    how's that sound?
  • 1
    @bad-frog Agree Bro, cheers!
  • 0
    @ostream hahaha good one.
  • 0
    @ostream XD
  • 0
    You know you can just press enter...
  • 0
    Type True
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