Client : hey there is a minor change in the iOS app.
Me : got it. Done. Sending the build now.

After 5 mins.

Client: heh, few more UDIDs. Can you add them ?
Me : yep. Sure.

After 10 mins.

Client : Hey, need a small change. The text field need to be little bit left.
Me : ugh. Okay. Will do it. Sending another build.

After 1 hr.

Client : hey, need a small help.

Me : Offline.

  • 5
    Been there too, I feel your pain!
  • 4
    I just tell them to make a txt file with all the "small" changes so i at least read them at once.
  • 1
    @iranjith4 How profitable it is to be ios dev in India? Bcos I plan to move to UK as soon as I get my Bachelors, I am from Poland and Juniors get around $800-1200 per month which is shitty pay I think.
  • 2
    Either you go on with this kind of workflow with your client or force them into Agile.
  • 1
    @peterzig I guess it's okay. If you work in a good company along with a bit of freelancing, you could earn close to $2500 per month. It's quite good for Cost of Living at metro cities. All depends upon the client you choose 😁
  • 1
    @iranjith4 thanks mate, I hope to get an internship on holidays then think about graduation and moving to UK. 😉
  • 0
    @JerreMuesli Yeah if you live in a dorm which is €100 per month with gigabit Internet and dirty toilets and showers you can live but I don't want to be student my whole life haha. In UK mid gets £60-70k per year which is great
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