What happens to us after death ?

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    Burning, Freezing, getting recycled.

    Aka Cremation, Cryostasis, lying in a grave.
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    We're buried, except Arch users of course:
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    Your body rots and is eaten by worms and bacteria.
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    Nah man.. nah.. I am not gonna go into that crisis again at 1.30 AM.. nah man.. see ya!
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    @IntrusionCM actually, buried people don't always get recycled because of embalming which prevents rot, also caskets are made to withstand rotting for too long time. That's one of the stupidest thing people do
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    @iiii Yeah.

    Though it was just one example. Dunno if it still exists, but there was once a company that offered a biodegradable pod.

    Or you could use the ashes as fertilizer.

    To give a more philosophical answer:
    The human believe of after live or being reborn is the futile attempt to overcome the limitation of the only certainty in our live, death.

    Hence. You dead. You dead.

    No fancy grave necessary.
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    We respawn
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    @IntrusionCM cremation is not that good. It requires a shit ton of energy to reduce flesh to ashes. Just burying without any embalming and casket would be much better for the environment and as a fertilizer.

    Or you could actually put bodies in a grinder 🤔
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    @iiii yes. Burying without the usage of e.g. formaldehyd etc. would be good - biodegradable.

    But we lack the space...

    Humanity is a virus. We cannot coexist with other species or nature, we invade and destroy.

    I would be for a biodegradable solution, to be clear. Cremation if there is no other solution, because that's still better (despite the environmental problems of course) than being buried in a non biodegradable way
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    Do you mean in a spiritual way connected to the bullshit preached by various religions? or a physical way?
    Either way it’s a shit question.
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    @IntrusionCM we don't actually lack space. Even with farming people do not take a lot of space on earth at all.
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    most of you go to hell or some variation of it
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    You are given thousands of lifetimes as your brain dies.

    You are only judged by yourself, and no other.

    You may actually be inside one of your lifetimes right now...

    Only way to find out is to bend the spoon.
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    Depends on quality of your code.
    If you write spaghetti, you go to Italian section of hell and you have to eat pineapple pizza forever.
    If you write good, clean and well documented code you go to heaven and help writing universe 1.1.
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    @impune-pl Going by the state of universe 1.0, that came straight out of the pizza shop.
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    I have read about many many death and come back experiences. If you are serious about this question start with near death and clinically dead and come back stories. Some are fascinating.

    This military guy who didn't believe in God died because a fellow soldier did a choke hold on him and he died. He was being dragged away by a malevolent entity. Like at high speed. Then it stopped. A light entity appeared and expelled the malevolent entity. Then it "talked" to him. Then he woke up in his barracks and his fellows were reviving him. He decided his world view was wrong after that.

    I am sure people can, and will try to explain away these experiences. But its really your own journey and finding what you think reality is really about is up to you. Myself, I have run into things that "shouldn't be" in a purely scientific view. I have experienced angels and demons in a literal sense. Which means I physically interacted with them. But that is my journey.
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    @iiii yeah... Brain is still forgetting to write down words. Tired. Time for bed.

    Lack of space as long as graveyards / designated spaces with no other use are involved.


    Science is a believe, too. To everyone their own beliefs.

    My life taught me that there are many things we cannot and will not be able to explain - science has its limits.

    But another thing I was taught by life is that humans (not humanity) warp everything if it fits their needs.

    I dislike religion and the occult mostly for the reason that it was warped by humans to fit their needs.

    A higher power / omnipotent being can exist I think, but I really doubt anything written down / passed down with religious / occult background from a human.

    History can be false, too.

    And yes, near dead / death experiences (from my own experience) are... something unexplainable.
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    @Demolishun There is some strange shit out there.

    I once was seconds from a by then inevitable motorcycle crash when time just... stopped. In addition to the actual world on pause, I got an overlay with several simultaneous short movies like with the picture-in-picture feature of some TVs.

    Each of them displayed a possible near future, and I understood that somehow, this was a multiple choice thing where I was supposed to select one which then would happen. So I did, time continued, and I got what I had chosen.
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    @sariel how wonderful, maybe i'll spend a thousand of them having sex away from assholes and dropping nukes on various parts of the usa.
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    You know the answer, bro. Just grow up and assume the uncomfortable truth that you have to work in consequence.
    Do you Pascal bet's choice, seek the truth for realizing which religion is the right one and live according to that like a grown up. Simple but faaar not easy.
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    @Gaucho Pascal's bet isn't valid because it assumes that either no religion or only the Christian religion is true. Means, that bet would only make sense to someone who is a Christian in the first place. It's also a good example of how philosophy is secularised religion.
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    Hopefully once we die it’s over.

    No hell nor heaven to torment us with eternal boredom.
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    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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    Are YOU something that can die?

    Or does only what is born (the body) die?

    Aren't we already dead and this is just our life flashing before our eyes?

    If you're dead how would you know it?

    Before you were born you were dead for all of eternity. After this life you'll be more dead for all of eternity. What's there to worry about for this fraction of a fraction of a nano second of time while you're alive?
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    The world becomes a bit better place.
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    Depends, if we're on systemd we just get stuck in a loop of dying over and over again.
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    @fruitfcker To all humans of course. Today I have turned the tv on by mistake, they were talking about how shall we communicate with aliens from other planets... There's like 8.7 milion species on this planet, with how many can we communicate with? Oh boy... I really hope some asteroid hit us and removes all the religious people too. I live in a lifelong face-palm.
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    @blindXfish The more I learn about the strange things like: finding algae living on the outside of the space station in high radiation and vacuum. Also them conjecturing it came from space and not from Earth. I am starting to get the nagging feeling that life in the universe is not the exception, but the rule. This leads me to believe that there are probably billions or more life forms tooling around the cosmos.
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    @Demolishun 2015 - we carry planktons to space.
    200015 - Overlords carries zergling drop back. :D
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    Actually, we are dying every second I mean as we move toward the future every clock tick our past self will die to think of this like when you were a child you are a completely different person compare to the present person.
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    @AvatarOfKaine it's your afterlife.

    I would rather go back to the 90s and relive my childhood, without the neglect and abuse.

    Or relive being a father again, only this time making more time.

    I don't know, there's so much you could do with a thousand lifetimes.
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    Game Over Man, GAME OVER!
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    @Demolishun hallucinations are a proven thing, no?
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    @Demolishun totally with you! I’m not religious whatsoever...but i still find it weird that we as rocks can move and communicate. And I also doubt we are the only moving rocks in this universe
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    @iiii Like I said, people can explain things away. It is a choice. But when you run into someone that is possessed you never forget that experience. Kind of hard for me hallucinate someone else's behavior on camera. Also experienced a possessed person in person. And if you are in the middle of a hallucination why would it stop if you begin to pray? Experienced that too.
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    @Demolishun because a hallucination is a glitch which you overcome by reducing chaos in your thoughts. Prayer is a form of meditation.
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    we get moved in to an open source sandbox for others to experiment with. The best parts are refactored in to other projects.
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    You're removed from the segment table and your place is gradually taken up by other processes and caches. If there's anyone who might still be waiting for you, you will remain in the process table as nothing but a return value; a zombie, otherwise your process table entry is removed and you cease to exist altogether.
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    Okay I am ready to tackle this. I only know one thing for sure.

    I am gonna get cremated 🔥😎
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    @Cyanide the question was after your death, not during it 😈🔥
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    @electrineer The fuck you mean “during death”? Cremation is done after death, dude!
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    @Cyanide I think he wants to light your fire man.

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    @arcadesdude the the probability that "you" are alive after being dead for an "eternity".

    Cant be larger than the probability that that "you" wont come back sometime within the intervening eternity.

    Also boltzmann brains are a fun topic.

    We may be living in one right now.
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    @sariel no i'm about in the same spot.
    I'd rather have a father who didn't spend 36 years of my life hiding that he'd let me be raped as a kid and quietly and sneakily abused me and my sister in ways so convoluted and future oriented you'd never believe.

    same as before.

    that and i'd live in a world where if you traveled down certain worlds people like him were crucified by the roadside, still alive, while buzzards ate their entrails like prometheus, but deserving of it, and where you could completely avoid even seeing that the way they try their best to avoid the outside world from seeing the fucked up shit they do to their victims just so they can feel at peace doing these things. mmm buzzards.
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    @sariel is it a bad thing that that made me smile serenely ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine it certainly makes you human.

    Getting a perverse sense of justice out of the anguish of those who have damaged you is human.

    It's healthy when it's upon an occasion, but if you seek out the fulfillment of the fantasy (even if you're imagining it), it becomes more obsession and is very unhealthy.

    Obsessives tend to make life choices that will always allow them to continue obsessing. Victims will continue to become victimized because it's comfortable and they find solace in the fantasy they have created to protect their ego.

    Take a look at most of the anti-vaccine people. They have become so damaged that they are willing to die for their fantasy of control.

    😑 Just my opinion though.
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    @sariel oh me i get over shit.
    problem is, is when the same things force themselves into view.

    and people are pretty twisted.
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    In my home country you are usually cremated. You do get a nice rock in a graveyard as well just for yourself. In the place I moved into it seems that cremation is also common, with people having the ashes at home in a little shrine. There's also the graveyard with family graves, though I don't think anything is actually placed inside the grave. I'll have to double check and ask though, maybe the bones are there?
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    @Wisecrack The egg by Andy Weir. It's possible.
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    @ars1 i begin to think they're double burying and/or putting people through woodchippers more in the usa. cemetaries don't seem to be growing.
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    @arcadesdude I have to assume that somewhere some secret society or brotherhood has this story as initiation ritual.

    Beats laying in a coffin like next to a skeleton while masturbating furiously in front of your buddies and your dad.

    You can thank George bush for that one.
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    @Wisecrack actually minus the skeleton you just quoted a passage from the satanic rituals by anton lavey.
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    @Wisecrack Angelina Jolie posted about doing something like that, but it was more degrading.
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    someone takes all the things we created in life these days and impersonates us poorly.
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