My first coffe. Tastes ceally bad. Why is everyone hyped about this brew??? 😂 😂 😂

  • 10
    I wish I could answer you that. I don't understand the hype either ._.
  • 11
    Try it with cigarettes

  • 1
    @hplar doesn't work for me^^
  • 2
    That looks like an expresso shot or maybe even a Mocchiato?? I like my coffee with milk but I can't drink it without sugar or some other flavour like hazelnut or caramel.
  • 2
    That's because it's an espresso. They have usually more tannins. Try coffee, if you want with milk and/or sugar.
  • 2
    You should try Mokka, which isn't as weak as this Espresso 😂
  • 2
    So you drink coffee because lots of people like it? Strange behavior 🤔
    But if you insist, start with some milk and maybe some sugar in it. After a while you develop a taste for it. And don't make the same mistake I did 10 years ago on my first nightshift in civil service. Well at least not until you want to experience the things I have experienced. I drank 1 liter of this stuff ... It was horrible. I never experienced total exhaustion while being so fudging awake that it hurt my head at the same time 😁
    Caffeine can be really dangerous in high doses so get used to it slowly, of you must.
  • 3
    @hplar better yet, with weed ;)
  • 4
    You will die from caffeine overdose if you drink more than 125 cups a day, so be careful with that
  • 1
    Sometimes only this helps after too much coffee a day...
  • 2
    Try a proper coffee! Makes this lecture on Protocols much easier!
  • 1
    You shit like mother fucker and next time you need to make that cup x3... Its like drug
  • 2
    Step 1:Poor it in an other, bigger cup
    Step 2:Milk
    Step 3+4: MORE MILK!!!
    Step 5: Sugar
    Step 5,6,7,8,9: MORE F*CKING SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Step 10: Drink it.
  • 1
    @ohYogi accurate
  • 4
    I hate the taste of coffee...always have, probably always will. In college, with my job, homework, and being on the volleyball team for my campus, I turned to Mt. Dew. for the caffeine. I was drinking two 2 liters a day....when I decided to cut soda completely, I had a migraine for over a week straight....it was awful
  • 4
    All you guys with your milk and sugar... A good coffee needs to be as black as a moonless night. Many brave beans gave their life for you and they deserve to be tasted ^^.
  • 1
    @ocab19 Oo glad I'm at 124 a day then 😜
  • 1
    @JerreMuesli I'm in general at 10-12 a day tbh haha
  • 3
    Monster > coffee
  • 2
    @jakobev Dosenbier? Better get a coffee Porter so you don't loose the caffeinated feeling in your head :D
  • 0
    iTs cUz uR nOt aT sTaRbUcKs
  • 0
    @jakobev this is the way
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 N-n-n-n-necro!
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