
Windows updates are fucking trash. Even if you disable built-in Windows spyware services, they tend to switch themselves on again.

Instead of engaging in that uphill battle, just use a firewall. Whitelist apps you use, and Windows will have no way to update itself or to call home even when the spyware is on.

On my gaming laptop I use Portmaster firewall. It’s free, open source AND has a good UI.

  • 5
    An firewall on the device itself is futile. The os can hide itself from the software without problems. Macos proves that.
  • 7
    Something in this rant told me that it must have been some retarded author.

    What do you think security software is built for?

    "hurr durr, I deactivate.
    I am dev!"

    Fml, why am I not letting you rot away with your crock addiction.
  • 5
    @scor Security software calling home with undocumented but noticeably large blobs of data is like budgeting software automatically allocating 20% of your income to its publisher.
  • 6
    @kiki I fail to see why you keep saying that you have a double digit IQ, even if that's true and not a measurement error, you visibly found ways to offset many of the skills commonly thought to depend on IQ.

    Are random assholes on the internet nicer this way?

    Edit: correlate with, not depend on, as IQ is a statistical metric.
  • 3
    @kiki, once I had to make an on-premises deployment because the PO was some tinfoil headed nut who though Jeff Besos wanted to steal his kidneys.
    Naturally, the local server was some freaking consumer-version windows.
    Did I mentioned that the PO hated docker and VMs? I think a blue whale killed his dog or something.
    Anyway, every time Windows went all "Oy! It sure seems like a jolly good time to update, it does!" it out-of-memory'd my whole deployment!
    WHY COULDN'T IT JUST BE SCHEDULED TO A REGULAR TIME?? It could have been worked into our program. But, noo, windows just had to shoehorn its own shebang.
  • 2
    @kiki, glad to help with catharsis
  • 6
    I don't see why everyones hate is still targeted at Windows, when the real enemy is MacOS.

    Sure, Windows can be a bitch, but have you ever tried Mac?

    Me: Tries to open .java file in intellij, or ANY file in VSC.

    Mac: Are you sure you don't want to open this in XCODE BRO?!?!? IM SURE YOU WANT TO, HERE LEMME OPEN XCODE FOR YOU

    The same Mac, 2 seconds later: *Catches on fire and dies*
  • 2
    @ostream windows and mac?
  • 0
    I watched a video by jayz two cents on YT about this. He said that you just save your internet connection as mobile data and then set go to update settings and disable update when using mobile data. And it will not ask for update bcz it always sees that you are on mobile network...
  • 3
    May I introduce you to our lord and savior, Debian? I hear Arch may also welcome and help you. Come, join our pantheon and be happy at last.
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