
Can someone please tell me how to connect to freenode IRC? Does it still exist? I get an error when I try to connect through Kiwi Web IRC: Unknown Error. In HexChat freenode seems to be absent from the list of IRC network presets

  • 4
    Didn't they go through some huge drama
  • 1
    @d4ng3r0u5 A bit, yeah. Pretty sad, a channel I’ve been a member of for almost 25 years shut down in the wake of it all. The ops decided they didn’t feel like migrating. Some of us took up refuge in slack while we figure out if we want to set up something on a new network.

    From what I understand, this has been pretty much the case with everyone on freenode; thet either migrate to a new network or say “eff it” and scuttled their community altogether.

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