
Cool article about systemd coming to WSL


Learnt about distrod from it

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    It shouldn’t even exist, wth
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    dafuq do you need systemd in wsl for?
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    The time will come when more computers will support POSIX programs than Windows.
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    @lbfalvy This is already the case, unless servers don’t count. or phones. or tablets. or smart watches. or …
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    @Root Apologies, I meant to say PCs (as in the niche, not the etymological meaning)
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    @lbfalvy 3B devices run Java...
    beat that.
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    @magicMirror It's not hard to beat that, I'm confident C runs on far, far more devices than 3e9 and it's just as portable, so long as you follow the standard and don't make stupid assumptions about sizes.
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    @lbfalvy 🙄. nm.
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    @magicMirror I use it for launching pm2 and resilio-sync ? also good for nginx?
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    @lopu wat? srsly?
    I use wsl for dev purposes only, and dockermachine anything else.
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    Actually you're right I don't actually require nginx, but I really like PM2 startup and resilio sync on startup, resilio sync syncs my files for dev purposes
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