
Please share any links on AI creating code based on text input. Let's see how many years we have left as developers.

  • 6
    It will probably replace people who don't know how to code and just copy and paste. Real coders, not for a while yet.
  • 2
    it will definitely replace you, it might become a helper tool for others.
  • 0
    Do we have any live examples of the latest and greatest in this field.
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    We won’t be replaced. It will save up a lot of time and energy by carrying out tedious stuff like crud operations and iterating through a list. More time can be spent on the bigger picture design and solving problems
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    well, in a perfect world being replaced by machines shouldn't be a bad thing. alas... we don't get a vacation, we just get unemployment
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    Github Copilot is pretty amazing sometimes.
    Other times it is pretty crap and not that helpful.

    Still a great tool for getting examples or other ways of doing stuff.
    It helps a lot when writing code. But will never be a replacement for full dev jobs.

    Remember that everything is made by humans.
    We can make things to make life easier, but we cannot make something superior than yourself.
    (If that was true, we would already have a perfect perpetual energy source)
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    @Grumm there are only a definite sets of possibilities in programming. These possibilities once set in the AI, AI can then vode everything and anything. It will be a software creating any kind of software.
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    @Grumm Did you have to wait a lot on the waiting list to get access? :)
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    This is the setup for a classic joke.

    "Why do you need to code this? How about about I just give som instructions and some AI does it?"
    - OK what kind of instructions?
    "Well, sort of like.. I want that box to have rounded corners!"
    - .. the instructions are called CSS 😬
  • 0
    What Github Copilot has demonstrated is that once you've started writing a small piece of code to show your intent then automated tools can often help auto fill parts of it.

    But the input is still done by a developer.

    You wouldn't want a manager saying "gimme a date on this article page!" and get some random component injected into a random file.

    But you can have a developer get some help with writing a date formatter.
  • 1
    @Sunsette I had to wait a couple of days. But it was not that long.
    Definitely worth the wait just to mess around with it.
    It can really spit an entire function just by writing a comment about what it should do. (But don't try complex stuff xD)
  • 3
    I've read up on co-pilot and work with the new 2022 Intellisense.

    If you were worried, rest assured they're about as good at predicting what I want to type as SpellCheck.
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    @AlgoRythm It can do so much more.
    Here is a little screen of what that can do :
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    @prash32 I disagree, there are infinite ways to implement things and on top of that there are infinite amounts of things to implement. At best AI will put some code monkeys out of a job, not to say anything about trust i.e. can you trust the AI not to sneak in backdoors for m$ or government?
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    @GeorgeBool Not sure if you checked any of those so called 'machine-learning' stuff.
    It is nothing more than just repeating the same steps over and over until the result matches with what the developer wants.

    This Copilot AI doesn't 'create' or 'make code' on it's own. It can only try to google common keywords on google/public github repo's and display them.

    I don't believe in true AI like we see in movies (terminator)
    As long as we humans don't understand our brain. We can replace lungs, hearts, but the brain is still impossible.
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