I got my first job, first work is monday

I still worrying about this job might be one of the many small shitty company horror story.
I don't know shit about working, so I decided to find out myself. Wish me luck.

  • 4
    Gotta start somewhere. Best of luck
  • 4
    Just a heads up: there's a high probability it will be one of those. That doesn't mean to leave and not work. But means you should be prepared and try to get as much experience as possible and leave when you're done learning.
  • 1
    The recruitment process is a big indicator as to the quality of the company…have they put in the time ? If so signs are positive..if not fingers crossed
  • 2
    Take it as a next stepping stone. Small companies teaches the basics of lot of things. Middle sized company teaches intermediate level of many things. Big companies tecahes the advanced level of few things. Just hang on few months until it gets too repitetive. You will learn a lot. I promise
  • 2
    Normally first jobs are always hard. Keep an open mind I guess. I am sure you'd look back to the experience rather fondly..
  • 2
    Best of luck and my condolences!
  • 1
    i think any first job is gonna be tough because you won't have a point of comparison, and the truth is a lot of stuff can be grating. I've been in places that were just mildly shitty and places that were hell. at the end of the day, it comes down to how much they offer you and if you feel it's worth the trouble.

    good luck :)
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