Going reverse in time

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    At one time I thought about making my own file manager widget. I was going to write it in python and have it be extensible. It would allow profiles for different kinds of searches instead of global settings. You could select profiles for what you were working on. If c++ you could search cpp files AND NOTHING ELSE. That way you aren't trying to search inside other text files. Maybe I was thinking of reinventing grep.
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    The search function in Windows XP took good couple of minutes on 300 GB HDD too.

    The bes search functions imho is in macOS’s Spotlight. I also never complained at Gnome’s search when you press Super and start typing. If you want the same on Windows, install PowerToys and run PowerRun.
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    Yeah I just gave up on windows' built in search tools.

    Nothing wrong with the indexing done under the hood though. I've been using Everything by void tools. It's astonishing! Never looked back.
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    For windows, I always preferred the MFT search utilities. It only finds files, ofc, but does so almost instantly.

    @Demolishun Ha, I suppose you were. Great idea though!
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    I mean... I'll take bing wojak over this fucking thing
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    Nothing beats Everything. The search results are instant. INSTANT! No Bing bullshit, no trying to be smart, no waiting for eternity.
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    @shitbrains well disabling bing and I agree. Windows search is crap but finder is the crappiest file browser I've seen. Don't think I can even call it a browser. More like a pit you have to rummage around a lot to find anything.
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    Learn to fucking use it :)

    Windows 11 search always get's me the result I want.

    If I want purely file search, I'll use Windows Commander
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    Use everything.exe

    It's a way faster file searcher than windows ever had built in. (and I think it might be built in to some installations)
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    @jiraTicket nice name haha
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    those two are not equivalent.
    actual equivalent of the search widget in explorer window is the search textbox in... surprise surprise, the explorer window.
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