!rant, reality check.

This may sound odd, but sometimes i deny wanting to learn a term or meaning of something because it is a severed thing from my knowledge.

E.I.: i read "Hey you can use LINQ for this!" as i am programming in C#. I do not mind reading up on what LINQ is, why LINQ is etc.

But, if i run into something like hey you can use XAML or whatever the hell, which i can't mentally link to anything i know, i flatout even refuse to look it up, or try to find out if it is related to my skills and if not, flat out ignore anything besides the basic concept.

Eventually i could still end up learning it, but if it doesn't click from where i am at right now as a programmer, i just skip it as unrelated noise.

Technically i deny to learn something, making me a bad "student" in a way. Otherwise i use my time optimally to only expand my knowledge on the borders or my current knowledge.

Does anyone else does this? Anyone longer then 4 years? Does anyone also apply this outside of programming? How did all that go for you? Is it a bad habbit or a good one?

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    I think it's a good idea only when self-study is likely to leave you with an incorrect /incomplete picture or if it's in a discipline that you never want to work in.

    To avoid learning misinformation during my undergrad (physics), I flat out refused to read any non-peer-reviewed article on physics, particularly quantum or cosmology. To this day, I still usually opt out-- not because I don't want to learn, but because I don't want to be misinformed.
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    @starless good call, really it is hard to unlearn something you learned wrong in the first place, so this counts double.
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    As a student, I am familiar with this approach that focuses on expanding knowledge. It helps to optimize the study time and get more expertise in a particular area. I love to use online resources for help and after reading this article https://edubirdie.org/can-you-get-c..., I am totally sure that external help plays an important role. However, I also find it beneficial to occasionally step out of my comfort zone and explore new concepts, even if they seem unrelated at first. This way, I avoid missing out on potentially useful knowledge that could improve my skills in maaaany unexpected ways.
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